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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Thanks Freddy... not sure about run for money. lol. I'm going to try again... with a little more proximity effect to get more tone. I am trying out on my ribbon mic. Thanks for listening and the encouragment. Always appreciated mate.
  2. Sure you can mate.... go for it! Make it your own!! Thanks for listening.
  3. Thanks for listening David and taking time to comment. Appreciated.
  4. Not at all mate... Im just a singer. This is a backing track I purchased and adapted.
  5. Thanks so much for the feedback.... but I have not written this song. I just sang to it.
  6. HI folks. Today I had ago at recording White Christmas. I tried to get it sounding vintage wjth UAD Chambers on my vocal and the Orchestra. Is the vocal forward enough? If you get time to listen please let me know what you think and what improvements can be done. Thanks in advance. Gary Less Chamber on the Sound Cloud Version
  7. As always thanks Mark for the encouragement. 100% agree on the points and I am working on it. I will post an update when Im done.
  8. Yes... you got it with the horns. Did you play muted trumpet? Very good... I also play trumpet but no as good as that. Well done.
  9. garybrun


    I listened to the music first.... then watched the video and listed again. I love your voice... very unique and comes across sincere. Well done mate. Brilliant
  10. garybrun


    Very nice mix Lynn. Loved the guitar panning and skill in your playing. Vocal layering was cool too. (even the chipmonks made a guest appearance) ? Very nice job mate.
  11. Very nice stereo image here on my Focal Trios
  12. I didnt write... but a few little changes.
  13. Thanks.... update coming shortly. I've added a few vocal changes.
  14. When I changed to single voice Sound cloud kicked it out for copywrite issues ?
  15. will come back with another version... this was experimenting. thanks for the comments. Will try adding some harmonies later...
  16. Very nice Adam. and well mixed. Sounds great on my Focal Trios. If I had a few nit picks they would be I didn't like the horns.. they sounded sampled and so did the flute or down to bad recording?. I base this on the beginning of the song as everything was so clear and real. Well done mate.
  17. Hi folks haven't posted any material for a while as I have been busy with live streaming work! Anyway here is a song by a group called Casting Crowns and it is a work in progress for me. As always I appreciate your comments and will update the project as they come in. Cheers, Gary Oh little town of Bethlehem Looks like another silent night Above your deep and dreamless sleep A giant star lights up the sky And while you're lying in the dark There shines an everlasting light For the King has left his throne And is sleeping in a manger tonight, tonight Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping For God became a man And stepped into your world today Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history As a city with no room for its King While you were sleeping While you were sleeping Mary shivers in the cold Trying ti keep the savior warm Born among the animals Wrapped in dirty rags because there was no room for him In the world he came to save Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping For God became a man And stepped into your world today Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history As a city with no room for its King While you were sleeping While you were sleeping Oh countries of Scandinvia Looks like another silent night As we're sung to sleep by philosophies That save the trees and kill the children And while we're lying in the dark There's a shout heard 'cross the eastern sky For the bridegroom has returned And has carried his bride away in the night, in the night Norway, what will we miss while we are sleeping Will Jesus come again And leave us slumbering where we lay Norway will we go down in history As a country with no room for its King Will we be sleeping Will we be sleeping Scandinavia Looks like another silent night
  18. Back with photoshop soon!! Or could post live video?? ?
  19. Just had to say well done on your theme. Looks great and many thanks for taking the time to make it. Appreciated. Gary
  20. Dont worry mate... you have some good stuff there. Mine is just a fancy desk ?
  21. Its not that neat... look at the cable mess below the desk... that helps me be creative ?
  22. Your are more than welcome mate. This is the company for those whom may be interested. https://www.studiodesk.net/
  23. Thanks mate. I have owned a lot of things in my 57 years on this planet... but nothing has brought so much joy and excitement as this!!
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