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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Thanks so much for listening Bjørn and you comments. Really appreciated.
  2. garybrun


    Well done Doug. Liked the acoustic version best.
  3. Very nice track and you also have a nice voice too. Dont be shy... bring your voice up a little.. above the bass.
  4. Brilliant. Well mixed too... not easy with so many voices.
  5. garybrun


    Hi Freddy. Nice track. ; ) i didn’t quite catch the lyrics at the very beginning. Dont be shy of that voice... bring it up a little and add some sparkle in the top end.
  6. I agree with clipping... I thought I had heard it... but too long on the speakers today.
  7. @Hidden Symmetry thanks so much for listening. ?
  8. Finally got the backing vocals down. Many thanks to @daryl1968 for sending them through today. I couldn't do it without you. Comments on the mix greatly appreciated. Its took 38 years to get this one done. Cheers, Gary
  9. Looking forward to getting Daryls backing... sounds great. Ive added some oohs in here... soon will be finished. excited.
  10. Very nice Bjørn. Can imagine this being played with a full orchestra.
  11. Very Nice OH FURY ONE! This is one of my favorites of your stuff. Like it alot. Mix is good too ? Maybe be a little less beater head and more umph?? (just my opinion)
  12. garybrun

    SONG: Easing Up

    Well done John. Ive been listening to music all day so I may be wrong. Sounds like one of your guitars has tuning issues.
  13. Doesn't matter @daryl1968 if no one else pipes in... go for it ? Im recording at 48x24bit
  14. Thanks for listening and excellent comments Jim. I will look at those suggestions tomorrow... just added a version recently and then saw this!! ? Once again thanks a bunch!
  15. Thanks Nigel. Vocal version now up... see Wasted Years 2 Vocals thread.
  16. As Bjørn says good driving beat and I expected something sad ? Nice synth sounds.
  17. Sorry guys as I dont mean to hog the board. I have now redone the vocal and also sang bass vocal for backing. I dont know how to harmonize to be honest in the upper range. I started the track at a lower volume and gradually increase in each verse... maybe I have over done it?? Once again MANY MANY thanks to everyone for the help on this. I could fork it on BandLab if someone would like to have ago at backing vocals. Cheers as always, Gary
  18. garybrun


    Those strings on the left are nice... Go back to my original point... I would bring the sax down a little... so the others can shine. Very nice piece of music... like it a lot.
  19. garybrun

    Wasted Years

    Thats true mate... thats why I wrote it.
  20. Thanks so much @mark skinner... thats what Im looking for... Im on it.
  21. This second mix was a lot better. I liked the way the drums came through more... they where masked before. Well done.
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