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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Why doesn't the guy who wrote the suspense novel just tell you who did it in chapter 1? ? (And, in this case, if I recall correctly from an earlier video, someone else makes the videos and he just records his reaction to trying them out.)
  2. I've got Brave up with AdBlock Plus going right now. Just sayin'... Chrome bookmarks are in a file called Bookmarks in this directory: C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  3. I used to watch a lot of those. Like Vanishing Point!
  4. I've got 53 Beatles albums (includes alternate versions like the remastered ones), but it's been at least a decade since I've had a Beatles discography day! I guess I need to have one again...
  5. Can confirm! Those are old movies. ? During the holidays, I scrolled through over 700 movie titles available to me through Xfinity online (my roommates account). I literally only found one or two (that I had already seen) that I might have watched! Just too much crap now... ?
  6. Looks fine to me! Remember, you can always edit your posts if you have to or, better yet, just ignore it and say "Oops!" ?
  7. Aw, look at that! He's got a little flying-V holding up a car frame! ?
  8. Me likey! Good job! ?? (But it's not authentic unless you use thimbles, right? ? )
  9. 4/12! So, even betterer than Bapu! ? Next up: Guess the Beatles Song (hearing only isolated girls screaming!) ?
  10. Waiting For Monday - Love You Forever
  11. They obviously had reached the point of no return! ?
  12. Adblock Plus is FREE and will block all stupid ads on YouTube. Brave is simply the Chrome browser with all the parts that save your information removed. Microsoft likes to "prefer" its own stuff, hence the tool to block Edge from doing stupid stuff in the background. Since I already was using Chrome, I had all my favorites there and Brave used that. It should import your other favorites, but maybe you need to do that from Chrome first? Not sure since I didn't have any issues...
  13. Stop using Edge! As in now! In fact, you might even find and install some software called EdgeBlock. Then use Brave with Adblock Plus. Edge sends all your information to Microsoft, Chrome sends it to Google. Brave doesn't send it anywhere.
  14. Yes. ? But that's coming from someone who only played in live bands for about six months and we still went through FOUR drummers! ? One crossed a very busy, large street while drunk after the gig (Miramar Rd. that goes by the Naval Air Base where Top Gun was filmed). It wasn't the first car that hit him that decapitated him! (It was the second. Ironically, we had just played a gig at the Top Gun bar!) Another went the Bonham way by drowning in his own puke. A third took his own life after his girlfriend broke up with him a few days before a house backyard kegger party. To be mean, she put up flyers about the party and stating "Free Beer!" which caused over 1,000 people (per Police estimates) to show up. We barely got out of there with our gear (well, most of it, some was damaged or stolen). He went home and took a bottle of sleeping pills and a fifth of vodka. The fourth was a really cool guy I went to school with who drummed for Mickey Ratt (who later became Ratt) after us. I only found out he had passed away when it was mentioned before our first High School reunion! We never did have any spontaneously combust though, so there is that! ?
  15. I'm sensing some resistance from his parent, could be why he left ohm? ?
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