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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Have I got a group buy for YOU!!! ?
  2. Potentially enormous Naval interestingly shaped erect spaceships? ?
  3. Kind of like body parts as you get older! ?
  4. Fyxed! ? (A Hawkwind tribute band? NICE! ??)
  5. Keith Richards woke up on a subway train to find he had recorded something onto a cassette tape... It was the start of Can't Get No Satisfaction! I bet he thought that was great! ?
  6. Wait... Are you trying to imply that we're supposed to create and finish actual songs? ? That's not a concept I'm familiar with... Heck, just trying to find "that one preset" causes hours of fun (but wasted) time playing around! ?
  7. You've already seen pictures of my face, I'm sure you don't need any more! ?
  8. But is there a Windows replacement for Outlook?? ?
  9. What's next? Polish bassist says he has an Alembic??! ? ?
  10. Well, since you ARE the "author" of this fred, we expect some participation you know! ?
  11. Wait... What??! Is that REALLY a Mesh sighting??! ?
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