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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Quite the positive! (Word play based on new knowledge I learned from James. ?)
  2. Miss Carissa Swenson says "Gee Paulo, don't you miss me???" ? I was hoping to get Julibee to sing on a song, but I lost my studio soon after talking with her about it. She sent me a demo she made of her singing Paganini - that girl had some serious range! Mama Bear was also fun, but my favorite (who, sadly, wasn't on the forum for long) was MIT grad. Katie Katie (I love female nerds!). There were a few others too... They helped keep us guys in check. ?
  3. As a nerd who can recite Pi all the way to the first zero (32 positions), I never miss today! ?
  4. It's true! I actually found I have the picture. ?
  5. 1. You don't talk about the Coffee House 2. You don't talk about the Coffee House . . .
  6. (Extra credit if a certain Styx song is now running through your head! ?)
  7. You can't help but have fun with this song! ?
  8. I made a dance version, but nobody was moved..
  9. Play on your Heart strings? ?
  10. Maybe in the genre of Kanye West genius? ?
  11. Finding a '76 Les Paul in perfect condition at a garage sale for $50? ?
  12. I cheated on another forum today... (This is a confession thread, isn't it?)
  13. If it had just a tinge more red around the edges, you'd be all ready to "play that funky music!" ?
  14. My first real guitar was a '76 Les Paul (right after a hunk-o-junk Rondo that was nearly impossible to play). I loved humbuckers so much that I didn't own a Fender (or any other guitar with single coils) for at least 20 years... Of course, then I liked them too! ? Now, all my customs have both.
  15. Will they make some equipped with muzzles? I know some people... ?
  16. Maybe he meant "Concords" as in the grapes? ?
  17. Some people are into metal, others prefer the classics.
  18. Nah. I've heard TD's tiny melodies. Not a single Am bass chord among them! ?
  19. Wow! First new "thing" that has really impressed me in a long time! ? Then the story is immediately followed by 3D-printed tiny homes that are almost exactly the same size as a jail cell. Wonderful... ?
  20. I started out with nothing and still have most of it left...
  21. Many of the internal snakes in my back-of-the-rack picture above are Hosa. Worked fine for me! Although I do make fun of them (deservedly so), I ended up with a LOT of Monster cables because I got a secret heads-up that my local Guitar Center was going to have to sell their current stock for 20% of the usual (never discounted) price and all because Monster was changing the packaging! I pretty much bought what they had left. At 100% (or even 60%) they're way over-priced, but at only 20% they were well worth it!
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