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Everything posted by craigb

  1. (With apologies to all our beat bangers out there - but these ARE easy! ? And... old.) Q: What do you call a drummer in a suit? A: The defendant. Q: What did the drummer get on his SAT test? A: Saliva. Q: What does it mean when the drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth equally? A: The drum riser is level. Q: What's the last thing a drummer says before he leaves a band? A: "Hey guys, I have an idea for a song!" Q: What do you call someone who hangs around a rock band? A: The drummer. Q: Did you hear about the time the bass player locked his keys in the van? A: Took over an hour to get the drummer out. Q; What is the only key drummers know? A:
  2. Well, that was questionable even when he was here! LOL! ?
  3. So what happened to Sharke or the Beepster? Those losers never made it to Beyond My DAW and now they're not here either? Are the new digs too hoddy-toddy for them?
  4. You have to be sharp if you want to see.
  5. No, no... That's where you go if you like Beavers! (The Ducks are in Eugene.) ?
  6. Into what? Figments of your imagination? ?
  7. The fig mints can only be imagined.
  8. 64oz? That's it? Must be nice! You're supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces so that used to be over a gallon for me... Plus, during Winter, I like two big mugs of coffee every day so I have to overcome that too! Oh well... With all that it probably sounds like I could get into trouble when I get stuck in the ridiculous traffic around here, but I keep a "trucker's helper" in the car along with a towel. A quick pull-over to the side and I'm soon back into the traffic! ?
  9. Damn Dave! Has Yes called you to play for them yet??? Your real hair looks much better than my fake-for-Halloween costume in my avatar!
  10. *Tap tap...* Hey, is this thing on? At this rate, it's going to be a while to get to page 2,000! ?
  11. 81... Man, I'm feeling old now! I think I'll crank the Agent Orange versions of his songs later... RIP Dick! (Hope it's ok with the mods for me to say that! ?)
  12. Score: Hospital: One discharge Patient: Multiple discharges Patient wins! (Or did I misunderstand things here??)
  13. Hmm... I'm not sure... Would it replace the drumsticks I put on my dashboard to park in handicap spots?
  14. Heh, the only Focusrite I've ever had was a Twin Trak Pro and it scared me how hot it would get so I returned it.
  15. People enjoy nonsense in sentences.
  16. What the bolder holder of "that" older folder told her is getting colder...
  17. I helped Gregg debug Cakewalk v1.0 back in the 80's (I still remember that super-expensive Turtle Beach sound card I had to have because it did General MIDI!). Although I had a different username during the first forums, I didn't participate much there (plus it got kind of nasty for a while and they even shut it down for a bit). I didn't rejoin immediately when they opened the forums again, but eventually did when I had a question about the newest version (the first SONAR I believe). Until SONAR v4 I never missed an update though!
  18. And now I have Green Alligators running through my head... LOL!
  19. Ah, yes... the fallen comrades (still miss Jan too, Old55). For more memories, I still have an archive of Billy Arnell's Online Songs
  20. Ok, you're dreaming! ? (And I only use Adobe CS6 - I HATE subscription-based stuff and am already forced to do it with Microsoft's suite...)
  21. Here's a flashback. A larger version of my old signature there!
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