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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I recall it snowing twice in San Diego. A light dusting in 1967 and flakes falling but not hitting the ground in 1987. That's it. However, I've been in Las Vegas (for a dart tournament back in the 80's) when there was a good bit of snow. It hasn't snowed up here since yesterday afternoon - lol.
  2. I think we're approaching reckless abandon now...
  3. Not sure there Bill! Water could be steam or it could be ice and, east and west? Those are all messed up! If you go east from the east coast you hit the west and, if you go west from the west coast you hit the east!
  4. Linus' Tech Tips is one of the few YouBoob channels I subscribe too. I loved his "As Fast As Possible" series.
  5. This is actually a link to a long playlist. All of Rick Beato's "What Makes This Song Great?" videos are awesome. (Doesn't that guy above look like a complete doofus? "Want to drop 50 IQ points right now? Just wear a baseball cap off to the side!" )
  6. This cracks me up (and it's easily just as good as what counts as a top-10 hit now-a-days!).
  7. Well, we haven't talked about abandoned mines yet (or mimes, your choice)...
  8. Abandoned users, abandoned forum, but not abandonware? ?
  9. Yep. I mentioned that one earlier. I wasn't in a "real" band for all that long (late 70's into the early 80's when I broke my arm and had to stop playing for years). But, in that short time we went through drummers just like the movie. One was hit by a car after a gig and, while lying on the road, was run over by a second car that decapitated him. Then we had one who went the same way as Bonham. The third committed suicide after his girlfriend left him during a keg party gig (sleeping pills and booze) and the fourth I didn't hear about until I went back for my highschool's 10th anniversary party. No idea what happened to him! No spontaneous combustions though...
  10. There's an upstairs? Why? Oh yeah, I forgot...
  11. I think I still have my original Cakewalk v1.0 on a 5.25" floppy still... ?
  12. Just like the old George Carlin skit... "Well, there not in the freezer, maybe I should check the microwave!"
  13. Heh, "Amberlight" sounds like a beer. ? Some very cool images there Cookie! ?
  14. But can you wash your turkey with your socks and jeans???
  15. It definitely IS the stuff that goes into the user folders that will be different but, as ien pointed out, that includes a LOT of things! If you ever went the dual-boot route, I'd suggest putting each OS on a different hard drive, but I don't think you need to do that here - just two different user accounts.
  16. Wow... The most important thread in the Coffee House lingering on page 3! I still want to know how Bapu ended up keeping his 86,000 posts while I lost almost 42,000 in the transition! Guess I'll have to get to work... NOT!
  17. Was that when I bought your CD? LMAO! ?
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