I used to work for a company where someone decided we should be coding in new Object-Oriented languages and Unix (go figure!), so they apparently wrangled some education dollars from a government fund and, the next thing we knew, we were required to stay after hours and attend college classes taught by professors from Cal. State Fullerton. Here's how things started:
Imagine classrooms filled with already overworked, under-paid, uninterested and short-tempered people
Add professors that seem blissfully unaware of the situation and teach as if they have months to spend with normal, college kids
Include our "Zombie Safe"* programming manager who somehow thought she was qualified to teach one subject
Here's the result:
For the first time in Cal. State Fullerton's history a tenured professor was asked to be replaced in a classroom
We actually made another professor cry into his tie (then he quit)
I ended up completely exposing our programming manager's incompetence which resulted in her being let go and I got stuck teaching the damn class!
We never did end up using any of the new training ?
*Zombie Safe is a term I came up with two weeks ago. Basically, since zombies only eat brains, anyone without one would be considered Zombie Safe. ?