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Everything posted by craigb

  1. It's pretty well known that I'm not a fan of Country, but Glen's daughter might be able to change that! Everything I've heard from her and about her is all good.
  2. It's probably not kosher to follow-up your own submission, but then I remembered that I don't really care. ?
  3. Sounds like the Universe is trying to tell you NOT to take that Van! ?
  4. Leave them locked in the car. ? (We are talking about drummers, ya?)
  5. Well, we just had to set our dang clocks back AGAIN over the weekend (even though every state on the Left Coast voted to stop this nonsense - but the Feds haven't approved it yet), maybe it's October again too?
  6. Dang. I was hoping this thread would stay live forever!
  7. Apparently, Wibbles is into fish! (Well, a bass fetish anyway... ?)
  8. "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet!" ~ Benjamin Franklin
  9. I know it's Saturday and I'm hardly awake, but I did hear you the first time! ?
  10. So, nobody noteworthy plays on this?
  11. The first thought that came to my mind: "This is exactly why record labels and executives shouldn't be the ones deciding what gets played!"
  12. I watched it while on shrooms, but everything looked normal!
  13. $224,600? No, I'm pretty sure it's even... ?
  14. Funny you should type that. There really IS a Boring, Or! Only about 20 miles away from my Mom's place across the river from me.
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