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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Shouldn't it have been the Police with Roxanne? ? (Video unavailable too...)
  2. I've got that version and this one as well!
  3. One for Bob! ? (Notes: This does not apply to Bob, nor should it be construed that he "blows" even if he does! ? )
  4. Well... I've now been up all night (it's6:15am here), but I never saw a glimmer of colored light last night! Maybe the CME's still haven't hit yet? Or, they'll hit during the day where we won't really be able to see them? I guess we'll see!
  5. Well, it's eight minutes to midnight here and I'm about to go outside for a while. Hope I get to see a show!
  6. Tonight I'll be ready (and sitting out back for quite a while!).
  7. It was a bit hard to see the colors for me last night, but some of my friends posted some wild pictures they took last night out here in the Pacific Northwest! Looks like more coming tonight...
  8. Orange you glad you learned that??? ?
  9. What are you??? Some kind of optimist?? ? ?
  10. Hmm... Have you ever seen something that is canny? ?
  11. It was my first rock album too!
  12. My Dad passed over 20 years ago, but my Mom turns 95(!) this Sunday. Yep, ON Mother's Day! She's bedridden in a facility and hasn't been very in touch with this reality for about a year now... I call her every day, but our conversations can leave a lot to be desired! ?
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