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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I'm going to go with yes. And no. Yes - I am discovering that the brainwashing as well as evolutionary programming (in your DNA and usually intended to be in your best interest), actually starts up to six generations before you are even conceived! Just a few weeks ago I was reading about this (Here's one of many articles about it). No - I have also known that we have the ability to alter our realities (I'm just learning about this, but have already had some minor success). We literally can create events that support our view of reality. For example, perhaps you've always felt that you are in danger when you drive on the freeway, so much so that it occupies your thoughts and it causes a lot of stress. Then a car slams into you confirming your fears. Now, this situation can also be reversed. There is WAAAAY more to all of this, but there's a ton of interesting information out there!
  2. This. Nature is very efficient at removing the weak; I don't have an issue with this. However, I see a mountain of evidence where the weak are encouraged and the strong are held back or culled... Idiocracy may have been intended as a humorous movie, but I see a lot of similarities in our so-called "real life."
  3. Imagine this could be the makeup of our reality (or my meanderings ?).
  4. After months of going down many very deep rabbit holes, I learned a lot of things. First I have to say, no, I'm not going to elaborate on most of it... Trying to give the two-minute version of a topic that would take many,many hours to go over is just an exercise in frustration. What I will say is that of the many so-called "conspiracy theories" I researched, each looked completely bonkers when taken by itself. It wasn't until much later that I found connections between several. The bottom line is that about 98% of what we learned growing up from mass media is not just untrue, but used by certain people for power and control of the masses (nothing new, some of this has been going on for millennia). I also learned about the different levels that exist. Some people have brushed against some of this, like how people don't go to war against other people, nations do (for example). Therefore a lot of work is done behind the scenes to create a reason for the war and then to find ways to motivate the people to accept the reasons. Once a war is going, these certain people will profit from both sides. Another example might be Chess. If you're a pawn, then hearing something like "Black Pawn Lives Matter!" could cause a stir or a backlash that "All Pawn Lives Matter!" However, if you're the one playing the game, you really don't care and are only concerned about using each piece for your own gain. At the lowest level people do little or no research into things preferring to take what they hear from mass media and authority figures (parents, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders and, unfortunately, an ever increasing number of doctors and scientists that have chosen to "toe the party line" for financial gains). Many of these people start off with good intentions, but I'm also hearing from other PhD's that they wouldn't have been granted their degree if they went off in a direction they see as true that also didn't go along with the accepted academic stories (for their field). Try getting an archaeological degree by acknowledging that the pyramids were not created by the Egyptians, for example! Good luck. There's DEFINITELY an incredible amount of effort to keep people believing a certain, minimal and very incorrect view of history. At the next level you start to notice things not making sense and that, most of the time, there's a hidden agenda. As you go to even higher levels you can see the brainwashing and long-time programming (this was very obvious to me since my PhD work is in this area). My ideas about reality have definitely evolved since I was young. Ironically, you start to reach a level where you realize that NONE of this actually matters, but that's something for another time and place. Math, vibrations and even fractals become the most important features. Going back to UN Agenda 21, sorry Nigel, it's DEFINITELY not a conspiracy theory though I wish it was! Heck, it's not even being hidden from anyone! Go off and read it yourself. By 2030, the vast majority of the World (ruled behind the scenes by a few) is pushing to have ONE government (a few Elite above a subservient worker class), ONE currency, ONE religion and about 500 million people. They've been combining areas for a while now (NAFTA under Clinton for the Americas, the European Union, Asia and Africa), the US Dollar is the ONLY currency allowed for the import and export of oil (called the Petro Dollar) and it's also the World's reserve currency, etc. Actions like Brexit are a nice setback to their plans, but those programmed by mass media tend to vehemently argue just the opposite (once they become servants, it will be too late for "I told you so's!"). The thing that should make everyone take notice is the population figure. There have already been several false attempts to start wars, but COVID-19 is the first virus to be heavily blown out of proportion Worldwide. There are only so many ways to kill off 95% of the World's population (remember, that's the goal by 2030!). Different ways were kicked around in forums over the last few years, but a Global virus was definitely on the list. COVID-19 is very contagious but not very lethal, its origins are suspect and the media hype FAR exceeds any previous outbreak. Why? I think it's a test and also to get the public used to being basically detained "for the good of the community." Once the methods of response have been examined, I wouldn't be surprised to see a truly weaponized virus released. Of course, it's only human nature to strike out when your beliefs are questioned, even if they're wrong. People rarely ever stop and do any deep contemplation of WHY they think something is what they think it is... Question everything! Proper learning includes a LOT of being wrong along the path.
  5. Not sure about Free Where, so here's some Free Who!
  6. Alternative plot: Although I would contend from LOTS of things I've read and proofs I've seen that everything is BOTH evolutionary AND creationist (though by whom is in question), even if things are evolutionary, it's obvious that nature tries paths that are not along the main line. If the result is better, it gets incorporated (i.e., evolution heads in that direction), if not, it gets discarded. Unfortunately, the entity heading off the beaten path may believe they are utilizing free will, but are they? ?
  7. I think he got talked into buying some will online and paid a fortune for it only to find out that he could have had it for free... My usual fun out of the way, I love thought puzzles like this. There's an excellent book by a guy named David Gerrold called When HARLIE Was One which touches on this topic. David also wrote the famous Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" as well as the, er, well, most of the Chtorr series. I say "most" because he never finished it! LOL.
  8. I'd take that over more cowbell any day! ?
  9. Wha??! Do you really mean to tell us that you didn't check the cable first thing? ? Unbelievable! simply unbelievable. ?
  10. Unbelievable! simply unbelievable. ? That out of the way, I must admit that I'm see a LOT of attempts to channel people's thinking and reduce freewill. I think I've proven that just saying an opinion (even if it's backed by a lot of sources and evidence) will still get some people triggered to jump down your throat. I don't blame them, that's just how they are being programmed 24/7. The last couple of generations have each gotten worse which makes sense if you understand that the time children are most like a sponge is before the age of 7. During that time they absorb whatever they see and hear from their "authoritative" figures without any conscious filtering. Unfortunately, a LOT of these authoritative figures are spewing what they've been programmed (parents, teachers, religious leaders, politicians, doctors, etc.). As I've alluded to before, I see a huge shift in bias from family and community to power and greed. It makes me sad and angry. Businesses now consult with insurance companies when they have a potentially harmful product to see if the insurance settlements will be less than the cost to pull things and fix them. Doctors get the vast majority of their knowledge about medicines from the pharmaceutical reps (and they DO get kick-backs for prescribing many of them). Farmers overuse their land to try and grow and much as they can (plant nutrients are down well over 80% since the 1950's). Airplanes get rushed into use even with fatal flaws (Hello Boeing!). People will get up early and sit in traffic just to go downtown and join a protest where they ask for free stuff, but they won't do it for an actual job. I see corners being cut everywhere as long as there's a profit to be made. I could go on, but I don't want to get depressed. I just hope that people WAKE THE F*** UP!!! And soon. Now, to offset all of that, here's some fun cute animals to make you smile:
  11. Not a hoax, but a great song! ?
  12. Ah, you missed those three words "as of now," so, yes, that's why I used that numerator. I'm side-kick, not psychic. Sure, I expect it to exponentially grow, then die off like all the others have before it, but I'm only trying to shed light on the over-the-top panic being caused by the fear-creating media. I also wanted to point out how things that are far more deadly seem to be ignored because the media hasn't stirred the sheeple into a frenzy on those. Is this really something to be concerned about? Yes! Do I feel that there are some serious hidden agendas from certain people using this event for their own nefarious purposes? Absolutely. Unfortunately, I think this was a bit of a test run to see both how it's handled and to get people used to being sequestered and controlled. I also see an expensive vaccine coming soon. Most people are completely unaware that the FDA is 75% funded by the large pharmaceutical companies (the exact ones they're supposed to be regulating!). This became legal in 1992. This is probably the main reason the FDA will NOT approve anything that prevents or cures - only treatments. Imagine not being allowed to change the oil in your car! "Sorry, you must wait until the engine seizes but, even then, we aren't allowed to fix it, you'll have to come in daily for a band-aid fix that will only make your car barely driveable..." The thing that REALLY makes me nervous is that this is exactly one of the possible ways that was discussed about a year ago to reduce the population of Earth. There have been multiple attempts to cause a war between several of the larger countries (some you would not have heard about from any mass media outlet). So far, any significant event has fortunately been avoided. UN Agenda 21 is still out there for anyone to read, but how they intend to reduce the approximate 7.8 billion people down to 5% of that total, is definitely something that should terrify everyone (but it doesn't seem to even be registering). 178 governments have signed this agenda (to be completed by the year 2030). I can't help but see this virus as a test before a much more virulent strain is released... Sorry. Anyway... I hope everyone stays on this side of the ground and we can get passed all this lunacy soon.
  13. When you're young: "Attraction vice" When you're old: "A traction device"
  14. *NEWSFLASH!* YOU have been infected with the "LIFE" virus! It has a 100% mortality rate! How you choose to use the 1 to 43,830 days you have left are completely up to you! Deal with it! ?
  15. I have a t-shirt design to do eventually that says "Male 6, wishes to meet female 9..."
  16. *Pffttt...* When did THIS fred ever need a reason to get on ANY subject? And, while we're talking about this...
  17. And still pretty close to zero! (Just don't p|ss off Kenny! ?) 'Twas my original point. Right now, you are more likely to die from being attacked by dogs. Still, I can't wait for this whole thing to run its course! They are VERY close to closing the bridge between Washington and Oregon, which would mean I won't be able to go onsite to help any of my clients. Good thing I do most of my work remotely I guess...
  18. I hate to suggest this (since I used to be an Amazon FBA seller and hated this behavior - lol!), but get the other card first, then return the one that doesn't work. If BOTH fail, then you might have accidentally damaged the PCI-E slot during the swap (if you have more than one PCI-E slot and the room, have you tried moving the card?).
  19. Guilty! Sorry, I sure read that too quickly... Can you still take it back?
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