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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I'm ready. (Actually, if you look closely, you'd notice that there's no way this setup is in "MY" bathroom! Everyone knows those rolls were put on backwards!)
  2. I can't afford to upgrade right now, so I think I'll stick with my Am5. ?
  3. I tried Band-in-a-Box, but the drummer kept passing out drunk, the bass player got arrested (twice) and the singer kept freezing up...
  4. Wow, didn't realize he was 81!
  5. #19??!!! Let's see, by my math that means you only have 13 left??! Switch to DARK chocolate Andy! Dark chocolate actually prevents cavities and tooth decay.
  6. That reminds me... It's been a while since I've watched the Highlander movies!
  7. To one of the replies up there... a big "NOPE!" (And... it's not for me to enlighten any more methinks. Go spend months and years diving down rabbit holes that are mostly being hidden on purpose. Almost everything you learned is probably wrong - but, you know what? I actually don't care because I've now gone beyond it and feel very comfortable with my reality.)
  8. I figured we needed something better to talk about than the other stuff going on in the world! This has been around for several years, but it's probably old enough to almost be original again - lol. There are 75 band names buried in the picture below. I'll let it go for a while before I post one solution. Enjoy! ?
  9. The stuff that I've seen goes WAAAAAY out there, but then ties so many things together that I must admit I give it merit. Nope! Not going to go into it, but evolution is only part of the answer. There's also proof for genetic manipulation many thousands of years before our current civilization began.
  10. Three hours later... . . . . . . . . . Next day... .................. ......................... ............................... ......................... .................. ?
  11. [Note for those that love to do knee-jerk reactions and parrot whatever they've heard on mass media: Just ignore this reply, it's not meant for you.] While a nice story, the version I've been reading about behind the scenes is quite a bit different. Yes, it's "novel," but scientists have already noticed that it includes sequences that are not natural - i.e., they were man-made. Therefore, this is a "weaponized" strain (which explains why it's soooo much more contagious than others). I'm hearing that this exact strain has been around since 1982. Yes, it was developed outside of China (most likely in the U.S.). However, while it was being researched at Canada's only Level-4 biolab, samples were stolen by undercover Chinese agents posing as legitimate employees. These ended up in two biolabs, coincidentally in Wuhan and, even more coincidentally, with one funded by the Soros Foundation. (Side-note: A biolab in Sierra Leone that is funded by both the Soros Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is under investigation in regards to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Africa.) Another interesting point: An outbreak simulation of this exact strain of Coronavirus was performed in September only two months before the actual outbreak.
  12. I feel a good mix of both is best. While the software variety can provide FAR more options without taking up tons of physical space (see image below of going overboard!), there's just so much fun in playing a REAL instrument and twiddling with knobs and sliders! Striking a good balance is best I think.
  13. In your specific instance, I would refrain from saying "Eat me!" to your wife Bill. ?
  14. Just add a "b" to their original use, eh? ?
  15. Ok, I'll try to be more helpful. Here's a really interesting video that most people should watch: And if you want the ACTUAL numbers surrounding COVID-19, here's a very informative dashboard created by Johns Hopkins: CLICK HERE!
  16. *Mesh's Boss* "Where are you right now?" *Mesh (actually sitting at his DAW)* "At my computer!" *Mesh's Boss" "Excellent! Keep up the good work!" ?
  17. That's about all I've been doing this whole week! I've been remoted in lots of places: Portland, Seattle, Manila and Mexico! Most have never tried to use their home computers and laptops to VPN into work... Fun, fun, fun.
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