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Everything posted by craigb

  1. 1987 was when I got v1.0 and even worked over the phone with Gregg to debug some things. Had to get a super expensive Turtle Beach sound card too because it could support General MIDI. I still wasn't back to playing guitar (when I broke my arm in 1984, the nerve had to grow back out) so, to satisfy my musical creation cravings, I bought a MIDI keyboard and Cakewalk. I think it was 1991 when the first Windows version of Cakewalk came out.
  2. Once my current run through all the Rush studio albums finishes (probably later tonight), I think I need a Blues day or two (followed by, in no particular order, a Cure day, a Pixies day, a Bauhaus day and a Return To Forever day...). ?
  3. Very true! Tori is now facing jail time because of it! (I assume you were talking about Tori Spelling, ya? ?)
  4. BTW - Lovin' the new avatar Bill! Looks like there are a few of these. This one apparently thinks birds don't have reflections!
  5. I basically knew what I wanted, but would entertain "ideas" (which usually were items they would discount to move them - I got a killer bass this way and a mandolin that I didn't think I would care for, but ended up really liking). Although buying to try and reselling is going to happen a lot in this arena, I tried to keep it to a minimum. At least until I was forced to sell everything at give-away prices! ? That said, I definitely have a decent plan for how I'll put together my next studio once I can afford it (and live it a MUCH bigger place!).
  6. Back in the early 2000's, I made a deal with one guy who was new, but ambitious. I told him I wanted to buy things for $1 over cost, but I would be buying a LOT of stuff. One year and $40k later, I had the bulk of my studio and he was now the manager of the Guitar area. ?
  7. I've got Trilogy on DVD where they play three albums (Pornography, Disintegration and Bloodflowers) in order, live, back-to-back and it's awesome! Hey! Here's the whole thing on YouBoob!
  8. "5 minutes!" - How long she says it will take before she's ready to go. One hundred years... - What it actually feels like! ?
  9. ... unless I'm bored and want to tweak a few little brains. ? "Hey, where are you keeping the left-handed surround-sound cables for solar-powered spring reverb tanks?"
  10. I call false advertising! Heck, it's not even four minutes let along four hours! ?
  11. I've been listening to the entire Rush discography (the 19 studio albums) for the last week. The second run through is almost done... I might go for a third pass.
  12. Heaven 17 came from a fictitious band name in the A Clockwork Orange movie (which it's just about time to see again!).
  13. I kind of blew by all the prior replies which, I'm sure, have already noted the obvious: That THAT is exactly what the Songs Forums is supposed to be about! I think whoever complained is only jealous that they don't have 70 years of experience yet, and are feeling upstaged that their two songs created over four years aren't getting enough attention. It's a good thing you aren't Buckethead Larry! Otherwise you'd have 2,358,942 originals over those 70 years! ?
  14. Maybe we can take up a collection and send you a nice scanner Nigel! That should keep you busy for a while, eh? ? (Even if you are more partial to Baa than Mu... ?)
  15. I'll probably still need that little panic guy to turn off a stuck note though... ?
  16. That won't be AI, that would be AB (Artificial Buffoonery). ?
  17. You almost make this sound like a bad thing! ?
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