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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Hmm... That was supposed to be a playlist of her Medusa album, not just one song! Again, these aren't Eurythmics songs, but a collection of her covers. Ok, I think this link works better!
  2. I take it you don't use Apple devices then! ?
  3. So THIS is why there's no TP left for anyone else! ? Oh, and to get rid of the second video, hover your mouse above the video at the top-left corner until you see a box with an X in it. Click on the X and hit the Delete key.
  4. Random forum member: "Wow, Kenny! How did you alter those images?" Kenny: "I used a mask..." ?
  5. So far... # that got it = 0 # that didn't = 1
  6. I'm going to guess that the mods installed a new censor-bot to prevent S.L.I.P. from answering that question! ?
  7. You can add another Metallica song to this list just because of the snare sound: St. Anger How to get that snare sound! ?
  8. I don't know about Bill, but if I was, I'd be doing a lot more posting! ? Just sayin'... ?
  9. I wonder how many of us owned one of those wonderful Tascam 4-tracks back in the day... ?
  10. Not that it says anything about you NOT being a weirdo (?), but I think most of the recommendations above ARE for some kind of trackball (or thumb-ball). I still have a few of the Expert Mouse trackballs in my PC bin. These were our secret advantage when we were gaming. We used them at work and got VERY good at quickly changing our aim. In the Counter Strike league we were in, our two squads ended up being first and second before we quit. The mods watched a lot of our videos because the n00bs were always accusing us of cheating. ?
  11. Like we're supposed to believe that's you? ? (I didn't see any scantily dressed ladies in that video! ?)
  12. That's definitely a contender for Longest Link Included In A Post though! ?
  13. What? No Jennifer Tillies??!
  14. If you get a strong mouse it should last longer.
  15. Is it played on one of these???
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