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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I like how they PhotoShopped the mic(s) out of the video too! ?
  2. *REPOST ALERT!!!* *REPOST ALERT!!!* (Just kidding Mesh! ? )
  3. My clever comments tonight they are!
  4. You might need to follow European Premier League football to get this reference! ?
  5. Africa's just sitting there saying "Spank me!" ?
  6. This is why I need more time and money to make songs...
  7. Someday, someone needs to start from page one and catalog all of the entries. Then tally up the dups! I think that's at least the third time Incense and Peppermints has made an appearance (with me posting it twice - lol)! ?
  8. I think I'd rather reverse the two and have Mutley swinging his head with the girl bouncing on my bed... ?
  9. Well done, but I bet he still wonders why he's single! ?
  10. *A few rings and I'll be right there!*
  11. You probably know this, but if you don't... ?
  12. Missed my chance to put up a She Wants Revenge song after Bomb the Bass (Justin Warfield -> She Wants Revenge). Oh well!
  13. This cover is much better than the original IMO!
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