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Everything posted by craigb

  1. But I was just making plans to! ?
  2. P eau? ? (That joke went up in flames and crashed hard!)
  3. Needless to say, considering what my PhD work was in, I learned a lot about this area. Tony Robbins (a graduate of the same college I was going to) was famous for claiming to a military officer that he could improve the shooting abilities of his men despite the fact that he, himself, had never shot a gun before. First he spent some time with two of the best shooters and modeled them. Then he indeed was able to improve the other shooters. NLP is wonderful stuff! The better suggestion is that only "perfect practice makes perfect" and you will almost certainly require a teacher to help you ensure you're practicing correctly. However, what's interesting, is your brain can't tell the difference between an action you're only imagining and one you're actually doing! Sure, you DO need to develop the muscles (etc.) to perform a task, but the repetition required to make it a muscle memory can be reduced with modeling (using NLP) and proper visualization. Again, notice the word "proper" being used here. Just thinking about something helps but, to be really useful, you have to make the process as real as possible in your mind (which can require learning how to visualize well first; many people have trouble just holding an image in their minds without training this area first!). You'll want to see yourself doing the task as vividly as possible. Make the area bright, really feel what you're doing, add sounds and smells too! As anyone who as ever driven a manual transmission knows, the first few (or many) times will feel completely uncoordinated. This is mainly due to the fact that you're having to use your conscious mind to think about each part of the task. Eventually, an actual program will be created in your brain that can then be run unconsciously (i.e., by your subconscious mind which can handle thousands of times more information). There's so much more to this, but I think you get the idea. ?
  4. Haven't seen either the Beagle or the Bouy in too long as well...
  5. Definitely miss Sharke, the Beepster, Ubiquitous Bubba, Danny, and many more!
  6. Looks like he did do some lightening! ?
  7. A very enlightening thread! ?
  8. Heh, well, ok... Steve snuck one in there right before mine! ? (Though, to be honest, I'm not really seeing the connection unless it's soundtrack tunage!)
  9. Blondes have more fun! (More diseases too... could be a coincidence?) Back to Johnette!
  10. Yes, they do! And, as someone who actually owns every one of Andy's albums (as well as those from the band he played in), I can say that they definitely are NOT worth what he's asking for them! ?
  11. *Pfft!* I only need one take to get it right! (Unfortunately, that one take falls inside of possibly 2,000 other takes... Give or take. ? )
  12. Well, now you know why he changed his original avatar! ?
  13. Ok, ok! Fine. I used to use my real first name and last initial there. Happy now??? ?
  14. But are those nails made out of "correctly" or from steel? ?
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