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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Hehe... Andy can't even spell "siily", er "sillie", um... "absurd!" ?
  2. And here I am thinking something ridiculously simple like D or Bb... ?
  3. *Wonders what key a "serious note" should be played in...* ?
  4. Something like this (but with a PhD and a sense of humor) works for me! ?
  5. I think a cute, tall, slim brunette go-go dancer would look better in that cage. But that's just my opinion. ?
  6. Now I'm confused! ? Is this a live performance or a Dead performance??! ?
  7. *Wonders when Bapu's going to fix the broken image link in his signature...* ?
  8. I'll let her get away with the misspelling. ?
  9. Well, you know what they say! As you get older the first thing to go is... um, er... ?
  10. I do believe that I can even one-up becan as a birthday present when it comes to Nigel! ?
  11. Which, naturally, leads to the forbidden riff! ?
  12. I keep seeing this topic and feel like I need a refresher... What's a "live performance" again?
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