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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Ok, most of you know that I lost everything back in 2009 including my music studio that I had put about $134k into. I have very little gear left (mainly one custom guitar though my luthier still has my custom guitar with Variax guts in it that I hope to get back eventually). I don't even have my own amp (I use an extra Marshall that my roommate got for me to use a few years ago). Lately I've been watching Andy's (Synkrotron's) livestreams that occur in the middle of the night for me (around 2am) and I see some from here occasionally (like Wookiee), but he has a wonderful modular synth setup with extra stuff. I then remembered that I do have Reason, but haven't installed it. I basically took all of this as the Universe telling me to do other things. Anyway, since I have neither the money nor the room for a lot of physical gear, here's what I'm wondering: How much can I do purely "in the box?" I'm seeing that Ableton apparently has synths included with normal DAW abilities, but if I want to do as little physically (just a "real" guitar into my computer somehow if possible), what do you guys think I would need? My direction is more software-only synth-based bed with a physical guitar using software modelers if possible. To do this, I realize I'll need SOMETHING to connect my guitar to the computer (a D/I of some kind?), but I'd like to do everything else just on the computer. For now, this is only for fun. I'm not intending to make anything serious. I only just started considering this so I haven't done any research yet! Can Reason be an input to Cakewalk? Oh, I do have a small MIDI keyboard (Oxygen 8 or something like that) too so I can enter notes that way. So, what are some possible setups to do this? And what will I need to get that I don't already have? (Like a D/I for the guitar.) Thanks!
  2. Feeling Less Omnipotent Over Partner, Yes.
  3. craigb

    Celestial Oblivion

    That ending though... Did a comet hit? ?
  4. Yes, he did! (And don't think I didn't notice what you did there! Stellar indeed! ?)
  5. craigb

    Celestial Oblivion

    REALLY liked that orchestral intro! ?? Another good job guys! Worth the wait for Dave's contribution! ? (Is the bass done by AI??? ?)
  6. That will help! Because, after awhile, you won't be able to afford to run the A/C anyway. ?
  7. Here's the video I was thinking about. When I used to see Walter there were always fish jokes going on long before Samantha!
  8. Just saw that the hidden posts were deleted again instead of shown. Um, why? ?
  9. Almost posted one with Walter Trout and Samantha Fish, but it had some others in it (including Joe B. shown above) so that would have watered down the joke... ?
  10. Here's what I wrote. Remove the dashes: "B-ob, sea-rch f-or a ph-one num-ber t-o tr-y!" Not sure what is the problem there!
  11. Holy WTF??!!! I just put a shortened version (eight words) and it was hidden as well! What is wrong with this forum software???
  12. Wow... I just had another post hidden! But there's nothing in it that should warrant hiding it... WTF?
  13. AI can't improve on my album of John Cage 4' 33" covers! I play every instrument too!!! ?
  14. https://www.facebook.com/reel/3485244475099759
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