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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Not even a dishonorable mention by the author... Pathetic!
  2. When did that quack Fauci become FEARLESS LEADER?
  3. The saddest part about girls who opt for the fake ones is that they could grow them naturally with hypnosis! Then they not only look natural (because they are), but they don't have to worry about health issues (including replacement) later in life. That said, I think the fake ones should come with squeaky toys in them! ?
  4. Dunno... But I was listening in the sgnos forum and everything sounded backwards!
  5. Wow, you're good! Hey, maybe you can help me out? Could you alphabetize these for me? I'm getting confused between M's, E's, W's and even 3's!
  6. That was the song I heard. Check out the The's second track. That Heavy Trip is very cool though! Me likey! [Not necessarily saying they are alike, just that it reminded me of Matt Johnson.]
  7. Just heard a song off of Lambchop Trip. Reminded me of this:
  8. That one is unavailable for me (Lambchop - Trip (Full Album) 2020) and doesn't appear to be found in anything I can see but, while trying to find it, YouBoob gave me this one! ?
  9. The way the image background blends perfectly with his head is a bit disturbing! ?
  10. I don't know... That last one has some potential!
  11. I remember meeting Teri Nunn from the group Berlin at a Licorice Pizza... *Sigh...*
  12. That's the one! Didn't realize it was on YouBoob.
  13. I think it's about time to watch their Trilogy DVD again...
  14. I had issues in my late teens and early 20's thanks to all the CRT monitors I was staring at as a nerd. Everything was too bright and 50 yards looked the same as 300. I ended up with a prescription for tinted windows on my car (which resulted in my being pulled over eight times until the judge had a copy of the prescription added to the info cops pull up on you before they pull you over). Fortunately, I had a really good optometrist who didn't just start the "eye wear" cycle, but told me about getting out in the sun more and gave me some focusing exercises. I've since run into programs like the 20/20 protocol that provide additional exercises, tips and what supplements to take (plus it explains how, unfortunately, the optometry industry, like medical doctors and unnecessary prescriptions, choose items that make money instead of what's helpful). My mom is 91 and currently being told to stay in her apartment, so all she does is watch TV (I'm not happy about either). They've already done Lasic on her and, each year, she gets stronger bi-focals - yet she can't see well at all with them! Makes me angry... As a result of my routine, I'll be 57 next month and I still have 20/10 vision (was just tested again last month)! That's even better than "perfect" and something I'd love to keep!
  15. Michelangelo's David then and now...
  16. Of course, this is probably what happens at Rain's house! ?
  17. Nah, Gary's is obviously PhotoShopped! ?
  18. I love how he embraces and utilizes even the silliest ideas. I can see the thought train as something like this: Ok, I need some new material... *think, think, think...* [Stupid idea that most would discard] Hmm... wait, we can just use that as long as I make fun of myself at the end! ?
  19. Someplace for the bass player to crash? (Drummers are fine on the floor.) ?
  20. That was nice and a bit different! But I feel the need to get Dean's pro status verified... I mean, does he even own an Alembic? ?
  21. I've heard of foot fetishes, but that's taking things a bit too far IMO! ?
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