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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Wow, something has definitely changed lately! It's only been recently that many of yours and, now, one of my videos have been blocked for across the pond viewers. Bastages! Anyway, the video was Dubstar Stars.
  2. More proof that this is the easiest way to end up with a two-person band! ? (Even if you had a lot of band members previously! ?)
  3. Well, I certainly feel more like I do now than I did when I got here!
  4. But, hopefully, not done with pictures of hot ladies in suggestible positions! ?
  5. Me too. Apparently Nigel's new treasure trove of videos are all unavailable to me! ?
  6. 'Zactly! If you're not working, then everything is "free" time, but that doesn't mean anything will get accomplished! LOL.
  7. Whoops! Sorry Steve, didn't see question #2!
  8. Looking forward to hearing it! (Vocalists are over-rated anyway, ya? ?)
  9. Aww... He changed the thread title!
  10. Cool cover! (Is that a baby Jabba the Hut? ?)
  11. But has he been deleted permanently, or is he still lingering in the recycle bin like the smell of last night's fish dinner? ?
  12. Or buy a lot of property that others can use! Then YOU won't need to pay much in taxes either!
  13. No!!!! Don't delete Gswitz!!! ? (*Wonders if he was only referring to the thread...* ?) ?
  14. For most of us, that thread title is redundant. ?
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