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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Welcome back Dave! Five years??? Man, time flies!
  2. Bapu has lots of VST's because he doesn't practice safe financial *****. Oh, give me a flippin' break! Even the word "i n t e r c o u r s e" is censored??! (But bullshit isn't?)
  3. At least mine is accurate.
  4. F**, C**, MSN**,A**,N**,B**, etc. They're all the same. In fact, they WANT you to think that it's one side or the other when they're just two sides of the same coin. Same thing applies here: We now return you to your regular posting...
  5. Careful! I hear you can get viruses from those bats! (It was on the mainstream media, so it must be true!?)
  6. Careful! Someone might S.L.I.P. on that! ?
  7. Then, someday in the near future, the hog is larger and the guy is nowhere to be found!
  8. Hehe... I can see the end result now: "Broken spatula? You should buy the 'BBQ King Chef Set' now!" or "Match the beverage to what you cook! Based on that cheapa$$ meat I see, can we put some Budweiser in your cart?" ?
  9. Cute little becan seed!
  10. (Not hard to tell which one's Daryl, is it? ? )
  11. LOL. That's the video I was going for, but the Loverboy one came up first so I went with it instead! ?
  12. I'm uploading something for ya. Check the link in about an hour (it's over 4.9 GB!). Hopefully, you can find some place to download it. You may need to extract to a folder first (or you can use it on a bootable thumb-drive - Check out Rufus to create bootable media! ). As long as you had a Windows 7 license, you can use this. Note that this is v1903, so you'll still need to let it update itself after the upgrade. Here's where to get the .iso file: https://www.nwdreamer.com/W10/ (just right-click and save-as!). Enjoy! ? [The upload just finished!]
  13. Aww... I still remember that pic!
  14. Looks like Am to me. ? (I'm going to jail!!!?)
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