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Everything posted by craigb

  1. We now return you to Steve's unusual choice of a Stranglers song! ?
  2. If you right-click on the video, grab the URL, then paste it into a new tab, you can see what it was trying to play. Then I copy the title and put it into the YouBoob search bar to get this:
  3. They would only be contested if someone declared that Ringo wrote 1,000 songs with The Beatles (just putting this into context).
  4. The idea for this thread came out of a couple of posts in the "Listening" thread. I was originally going to just target the vocals (and I definitely would love to hear some submission from you with unreal vocals!) but, sometimes, there's more to a song that sends you into orbit. Heck, sometimes it's just a part of a song! When Teri Nunn from Berlin sings "Sorry!" on the 1983 song Metro I still get that chill up my spine. Ok, you first! What songs do it for you? ?
  5. Can't argue with that assessment! My favorites are definite Adagio and, to a much lesser degree, SOS. For me, there are parts of the following song where the voice does give me goosebumps. Some of it is due to the effects treatment (you'll know what I mean when you listen). Hmm... I think this may be a good subject for its own thread!
  6. After listening to the entire Poets of the Fall discography (twice), tonight I'm taking in a four-octave(+) range. ?
  7. Makes me miss S.L.I.P.'s pictures... I hate censorship! ?
  8. Me too but, really, where does that set the bar? ?
  9. Man! He holds that guitar like a rifle! I'm definitely not one of those to play with the guitar "slung way low," but I could never play where I'm almost eating the strings either!
  10. Or you could add the AdBlock Plus extension and have no commercials for free.
  11. The beads were made from exotic woods? ?
  12. I'm sure one will be around soon to offer holiday jeer.
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