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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I've played darts for over 40 years, are there any other kinds of flooring? ?
  2. My NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 is long in the tooth and starting to cause me issues. The current state of GPU's thanks to crypto-mining is making me nervous should my card finally die!
  3. C'mon guys! It can't hurt to ask! ? (Besides, there are at least two "Craig's" that come down here that have produced things similar to what he wants. Just think about all the other names that might have! ?)
  4. How do you still have these "resources?" Don't you know Larry??! ???????????
  5. My last house had a nice basement (the only time I have ever had one), so I turned it into the best, small English pub-style bar in the area! (The guy at the dartboard is prior-World Champion Bob Anderson! The other guy ran a dart league about 150 miles away and lost a lot of money to me and Bob that night. LOL! ?)
  6. Just wondering if anyone else has gotten this Cakewalk by Bandlab DAW thingy? I don't wanna be the first and get stuck with something I didn't pay for! ?
  7. Apple-polly-lodgies! ? That I did! 'Tis what I get for not watching TV anymore... ?
  8. Not hard to see why their supporters would be faceless cowards! ? Heck, I bet that drink is decaffeinated.
  9. I recall being in Manchester near Halloween... I went into a costume store and asked a girl for help. She said "We don't carry Liverpool kit here, you'll have to go somewhere else." To which I replied, "I'm sorry, but you misunderstood me. I said I want to be a Count!" ? And, to get this thread back on track...
  10. 1. Bob is Notes. Notes is Bob! 2. thru 5. These are STILL facilitated through The Bouy, LTD. ? (Proper Endorsements Needlessly Interests Strummy!)
  11. Not bad! Dad would definitely be proud.
  12. Heh... We know where the term "Mad as a hatter!" comes from, but "Mad as a person with tooth fillings!" just doesn't have the same ring to it! ?
  13. I believe that would be a Strummy Approved™ follow-up there Bob! ?
  14. With the weather you're currently in, better make it a sled! ?
  15. Heh, I was considering asking you if you were getting enough supply. I've started researching computer components so I'll have an idea what I'll eventually need (as if I can afford it during this weird time!). I'm definitely past due for a new computer... *Sigh...* ?
  16. Yeah, my PC is picking a bad time to be having video card issues! (An NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050.) It's old, getting streaks and going blank sometimes. Time for a new card, but there's about as much inventory as I have extra cash to buy something with! ?
  17. On those I tend to right-click, get the URL, paste it into a new tab and it tells me what it was trying to play. Then, when I'm feeling really nice, I'll find a playable version and post it here. ? Like this:
  18. We'll give you eight, but 7 and 10 split! ? (Of course, I could just be a turkey and throw you in the gutter! ?)
  19. 1 - We're in a known part of an astronomical cycle (part of the 25,800 year Grand Cycle) that naturally causes temperatures to temporarily increase. 2 - Within the Grand Cycle are four smaller cycles which mark the times that entire civilizations typically get wiped out (every 6,450 years). 3 - When the water temperatures in the ocean rise to a certain degree, the flow between the Atlantic and Artic oceans stop. 4 - When the flow between the Atlantic and Artic oceans stop, we enter the next ice age (NOT some extended hot green-house!). 5 - Excessive CO2 happens at the end of the warming cycle, it does not cause the warming.
  20. So, if a cow doesn't produce milk, is it a milk dud or an udder failure? ?
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