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Everything posted by craigb

  1. craigb


    Post pictures on the internet? (Or am I missing something here? ? ) ?
  2. But... but... I have guitar patches, don't those count??? ?
  3. On the side, I used to do lighting for some of the underground clubs in Los Angeles (long before they were ever called raves, late 1980's to early 1990's) and we always had a "chill" room set up with the oil wheels. I didn't own one, but did have beamer lights, lasers (both green and red), smoke machines, strobes, black lights, rope lights, etc., etc.! Fun times. ? Heck, I was even written up in the High Times magazine about what a great job I did on one club called Altered States.
  4. Oh, man... Here I was all excited about someone getting rich, but I can now see there's no way these posts are coming from the real Sheens! ? I mean, there's no way the real one would consider himself a normal person here! ?
  5. [serious answer]Acid reflux happens when your food isn't digested properly before sleeping (i.e., there isn't enough acid available). By providing more acid with your meal you help the stomach digest the food and it doesn't cause the problem when you sleep. Unfortunately, Big Pharma does not want you to fix the problem, they want to provide a treatment that actually keeps the issue going (requiring you to continue to use their product, heck they even recommend going on a daily regiment of their stuff!). As for the Ketamine lozenges, those are meant for a very different issue and I, personally, recommend against using Ketamine except in rare circumstances and under the guidance of a qualified medical person. I work with a group using holistic treatment methods and have seen more than one very bad reaction from Ketamine which can be very addictive among other health risks.[/serious answer] [fun]All of that said, if you can take acid and still get to sleep, then you are much different than everyone else I know! ? [/fun]
  6. craigb


    I once jumped for Joy. Still not sure why she was hanging from that chandelier though...
  7. Me too! We're a bit lucky in that there's a cable supply place somewhat nearby (it's very close to the Intel campuses in Hillsboro Oregon), so we would always stock up there. We avoid the cheap Chinese crap cables they sell on Amazon like the plague! Here's the link: https://www.pchcables.com/
  8. There's been a few bands for me that I wasn't enamored with right away, but they just kept growing on me the more I listened (REM was one). On the other hand, there's also quite a few bands where it felt like the radio and the hype was trying to tell me that I must like them, but they became more and more meh to me. Mood and intention are huge!
  9. This might be the right place to confess that I was never much of a fan of the "Top-Whatever" list... In fact, as I grew older, I would buy albums and listen primarily to the songs that weren't the so-called big hits on those albums...
  10. Yep. People are so messed up here that some consider this chemical concoction cheese! ? You can see how they had to sell it back in the day! ?
  11. Their definition of "Simples" is different than mine! ?
  12. I put that into Google translate and it came back with "meow."
  13. Maybe it's slow because the censor bots need to check to make sure nobody is saying Fe dEx? ?
  14. He's pretty good, but take that capo off and he's nothing!!! ? (J/k! I've never heard of him either and, at first glance, thought it said Lenny Bruce! ?) I never learned to finger pick... ?
  15. No, a 2 is twice as big as a 1. ?
  16. Proof! ? (Backstory, I asked him to take a picture of him in front of the "Onions" and he did so I had to save it! ?)
  17. Well, he certainly hasn't been eating a lot at McDonald's!
  18. Not sure where your post was intended Matt, but, if you click on the "Share" button and copy the link, you can paste it directly into the forum like this: (Love the song though! ? )
  19. Um... Apparently, this is "Like a Record!" ???
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