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Everything posted by craigb

  1. But is it hemi-demi-semi-Lemmy-noted?
  2. This included an edition called "The Producer" or TP for short...
  3. My full name, apparently, is actually "Craig B (ITHRN)" so completely different! It makes sense as long as you don't think about it. ?
  4. My parent's would watch him often. I loved how he goes through all the pomp and circumstance to play before performing chopsticks then stopping and turning the sheet music 90 degrees! ?
  5. I watch 95% of all videos at 1.5x speed now. No time for all that slow talking!
  6. You posted "The Jazz Butcher - Rain" ya? And Rain is a member here, ya?
  7. Just because Rain's a rocker doesn't mean he kills Jazz Nigel! ? ?
  8. I kept reading to hear about the creek they own, but it wasn't mentioned. ? As for the thread getting deleted, I should point out that the word "shit" is NOT on the censorship list!
  9. To be fair Greg, I don't think duct tape is really considered an accent though... (I keed! I keed! ? )
  10. So no improvement for you either. Typical. ?
  11. craigb


    Saw that a while back. Awesome! ?
  12. As well as killing availability (along with the Global chip shortages). Yay. ?
  13. Wasn't that done at the Vet's before he was taken home??? ?
  14. JANET'S A DUDE??! ? (Just kidding! Just kidding!!! ?)
  15. Meat Loaf and Louie Anderson... Two out of three ain't bad, ya? ?
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