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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I particularly like the suicide prevention sign right next to the big sign. ?
  2. I'd trade the gongs in if they would only include a squeaky-toy into the fakies... ?
  3. Now you sound just like our so-called government Dave! ???
  4. Very! Was this on the album cover??? ?
  5. In related news, the computer industry is returning to 96kb 9" floppies for storage! ?
  6. I don't know, but the people who they get in their forum sure are weird! ? ?
  7. (Just keeping up with expectations! ?)
  8. That would have been awesome, except it's actually a Wednesday... ? Now if you want to talk about 2/22/22... ?
  9. So, would this be considered one bass or two Ed? ?
  10. I'm just glad I'm NOT your roadie! ?
  11. Heh, I read that as "Young Fresh Felons" which might not be far off, ya? LOL! ?
  12. Hmm... Don't remember that one. What album was it on? ?
  13. Is that an Alembic bass he's playing??? ?
  14. I wrote a song while I was still in a crib that got stolen. To get around the crime I hear the artist claimed he "heard the song in his dreams!" That was so Yesterday...
  15. Hey Jude, do you those people were on Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
  16. *Wonders what this "bacon" stuff Kenny's talking about is...* ?
  17. Postcount Enhancing Non-Important Stuff!
  18. Wham Bam Thank You Mam > Wham Bam Thank You Mam (in the lyrics).
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