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Everything posted by craigb

  1. You've sunk to new lows Bob! (But still fishing for compliments I see! ? )
  2. Well, I just hope that, when you get your hearing, you're acquitted of all charges! ?
  3. This guy has helped me and some friends a lot. https://www.youtube.com/c/drekberg
  4. Heh, I've just been texting pics and video to friends too! We've got about 3" and it's still dumping down. I had a restroom trip at 3am and, when I looked out the window, it's was only wet outside. When I got up at 4:30am, there was about 1/4" and my roommate was just leaving. In a Prius. Without chains (which I see are still hanging in the garage)! He hates Mondays so I can only imagine the stream of expletives that he saying right now! ?
  5. Actually, there's a LOT of misinformation about that type of stuff. I've swapped out the Kraft crap for non-grain pasta and my waist is now smaller than it's been in many years (I need a belt to wear 34" waist pants now and I'm 6'4" 240 lbs.!). As with most of the BS that is out there, I've done a LOT of research on this and you need fat to get rid of fat (and absorb fat-soluble vitamins) while sugar is the main thing that packs on the stubborn fat (and all grains turn into sugar, they're worse than cane sugar!). You literally will lose weight eating bacon and eggs while packing it on with cereal, toast, pancakes, etc.
  6. I actually have a cheese slicer that's permanently setup to cut a can of Spam into exactly eight equal sized slices. I used to make several sandwiches that way (until I stopped eating bread). Now I cook all eight slices, cut each into eight parts then add them to a box of mac and cheese. Usually I then add a pound of bacon becan and a can of peas. That makes three comfort meals for me. YMMV! ?
  7. But, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail! ?
  8. Now, now Tim. Don't be mean. I think she's called the Tolerant Lady... ?
  9. Thanks guys. I just think Cakewalk would be too much for him to handle - lol! I just saw that I do have Audacity so I'll check that out again.
  10. I thought it was telephone poles! ?
  11. My roommate wants to put something together that requires cutting some songs down. Do any of you have a suggestion for an easy to use, free, program? I used one called MP3 Slicer back in 2016, but have no idea what's the best to use now. TIA!
  12. Nice list of talent there! Kanye was turned away at the door! ?
  13. IMHO, ESET does the best job of protecting my computers and me from myself online.
  14. Watched that one a couple of weeks ago. Good stuff!
  15. He keeps talking about his back; has he taken a good look at his front??! ? (?)
  16. I'm beyond this now. I only get excited if I find over 100 GB's... ?
  17. "But, on the upside, they did receive some chicks for free!" ?
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