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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I prefer to be an up quark because it's twice as positive and those down ones!
  2. I must have meant moth! ? (From the South Park episode where Robert Smith turns into Mothra to defeat Mecha-Streisand.)
  3. I actually had a good chuckle from this one, so I won't spoil it by telling you what it means just yet. ? Let's just say it was a spoof of another thread with a similar title! ?
  4. Oh... and here I was thinking that they only became famous after hanging out with the Bapu! ?
  5. 3 days of drugs, mud...and traffic!!! ?
  6. *Wonders why User 905133 is getting dragged into the competition... Is he just being mean???* ? ?
  7. Still my favorite "famous" interaction though! Getting to hang out with Bob Moog for a night, out in Hollywood. Sorry Eddie, but Bob's got ya beat! ?
  8. Which is Bapu's department! ?
  9. The whole Siouxie, Robert Smith connection was interesting too! Then there's the Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, Peter Murphy, Tones On Tail, fun... Joy Division to New Order... There's a few!
  10. Puerile Entertainment Now Is Standard.
  11. Dang Dave! Without hair you look just like a bird!!! ? ?
  12. This kid could have used one! ?
  13. My bad. I'm always signed in, so the stars always show, and I did mean to click on the time under the person's name. Still works for me!
  14. Was this one of yours Kenny? Or Strummy? ? The Bapu Lisa! ?
  15. Hint #2 - It helps to be a really old programmer! ?
  16. *BZZZZZ!* (Incorrect answer buzzer. ?) Hint: The "F" does not represent a word.
  17. Hey, it was nice of him to ask, right? ?
  18. Fair enough! In 1982 I was in a hard rock band and those that liked New Wave were commonly being beat up by some of the guys I knew (I was not one of those kinds and, although they didn't know it, I was a DJ playing all kinds of the stuff they couldn't stand!). That said, I really got into New Wave, Goth, and all those similar types of genres much later to the point that I listen to far more from those genres now than I do any of the rock styles!
  19. KSNJFL If you know what that means, then you really ARE a nerd! ?
  20. Reminds me of the people in one of the old, pompous gear forums... ?
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