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Everything posted by craigb

  1. And, if you listen to that system for any length of time, you won't hear much again!
  2. I always loved this commercial when it came out!
  3. If I had been Les, I would have shown up with an amp that goes to 12 just for fun! ?
  4. I've owned all of the Myst games (there's a few that come in the bundle that I've never heard of), but I was in the middle of Obduction when my old computer died (because it was the power supply slowly dying, it damaged almost everything on it's way to the grave: hard drive, motherboard and... the nice video card I had! ?). My current computer (masterfully built by Jim Roseberry here! ??) is a screaming i9 with 64 GB of RAM (needed for some data processing I was doing), but didn't come with anything but onboard video which, while fine for most 4k work, didn't cut it with Obduction! So, I guess I was thinking some of these other games had been updated and would require more GPU beef. Maybe not? ?
  5. Oh, and I just got the bundle! ? (Now I just need to make enough to buy a video card... ?)
  6. The Myst series were my favorite types of games, so when I got Pyst I couldn't stop laughing! ?
  7. And anyone who gets that reference goes right to the Top of the class! ?
  8. Oh, this should be interesting to follow!!! ?
  9. LMAO! "Age-restricted??!" ? The link...
  10. Fine Young Cannibals - Johnny Come Home
  11. Reminds me of a few of the underground clubs I was at back in the late 80's... Hey, a 72,000 watt sound system can produce a lot of bass!
  12. 96 is a good run! RIP Tony.
  13. Despite what some might believe, putting drumsticks on your dashboard does not allow you to park in the handicap zone! ??
  14. Oingo Boingo - Nothing To Fear (But Fear Itself)
  15. BTO - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!
  16. He should have gone to Portland! Then everything would have been the other way around! ?
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