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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Three ironies (said in a manner so they sound better than they probably are! ?). Irony #1 - I had been accepted by the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis to fly F-14's. I ended up not going when a relative informed me that I had grown too tall (6' 2" was the limit, Tom Cruise is far more suited even at the fake height of 5' 7" he claims to be; he's not!). Irony #2 - Down in San Diego around 1986, prior to working where the above picture was taken, I actually went out with a girl who had just dated Tom Cruise the prior week. She said he was "short, pompous and annoying!" ? We literally were working at a defense contractor across the street from the Miramar Naval Air Base at the time, and had the clearances and base passes to go there. I believe she met him on the base while he was either shooting or promoting Top Gun (I've been in the very tiny "nightclub" and I've seen the Top Gun plaque!). Interestingly, I found out due to a "Command Change Ceremony" invite that my cousin had been the base commander at that time! He chose to retire to fly for Delta instead of a star and ten more years (smart move!). Wish I had known I could have gone across the street for a visit though! Irony #3 - I'm going out on a yacht this Saturday with the daughter of a Hollywood actor! ? Ok, this is the "stretch" part: The "yacht" is a friend's 17-foot boat. Her father actually was an actor and played a part in the movie the Gambler! (That's all I know of so far. ?)
  2. I've only been on a sub a couple of times (a BIG nuclear type out of Point Loma in San Diego - back when I was helping code the guidance system for the Tomahawk Cruise missile... Yay. ?). All I can say is that the thought of being deep under water in that claustrophobic tin can scared the begeebus out of me! ? I don't even want to think about what those passengers were going through towards the end! ?
  3. (Oh, and for the non-Kenny's out there... That's me back in the early 1990's! ? )
  4. Sooooo many drum samples, sound effects and game sounds (primarily Half Life 2) as well! ??‍♂️
  5. I'm now scrolling through 174,000(!) .wav files that Everything (the best search engine ever, and it's free!) has found on all my drives... It's definitely a trip through the past though! Anyone remember DR-008 or Groove Maker? And soooo many loop files! Dang! ? I'll upload (and post a link to) and IR's that I find!
  6. Hmm... I know I had some, but I can't seem to find them yet! I hope they weren't on the 10 TB drive that died on me a couple of years ago! Which reminds me to let everyone know to NOT use Carbonite for their backups! After having them for many, many years, I found out after that disaster that they hadn't backed up everything! Lots of directories structures and folders were created, but only the small text files had generally been saved! I lost over 8 TB's of data and it took them over 37 DAYS to restore the 1.3 TB's that they had backed up! ??? Once again, I can't recommend Backblaze more! FAST, accurate and does sooo much more! My business partner and I liked them so much, we're both share-holders too! If you guys can let me know what file format the IR's uses I can search again!
  7. I think the IRS should be jailed not free! ?
  8. (Ok, that's a few that I have. I left a bunch for others to add! ? )
  9. Good boy! ☺️ (Now if he could only train the owners!!! ? )
  10. To heck with picking a favorite! I like 'em both! ? Here's a cover I've seen a few times.
  11. Greta says to avoid using this pedal!!!
  12. Reminds me of this: There are three kinds of people in the world: Those who can count and those who can't! ?
  13. Are you implying being intoxicated during the questioning or while in school? ? ?
  14. I saw five band members... Should we start a pole to let people guess which two were playing the same stuff? ?
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