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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I'm sure you know that the Earth is about 70% water, right? And almost none of it is carbonated, so... Technically, the Earth IS flat! ?? (I made these two images awhile back: Real science )
  2. Thomas Dolby - Europa and the Pirate Twins
  3. I think Roger Waters would last about 20 seconds here... ?
  4. Yeah... I self-moderated mine, but it just makes me so mad to see everyone falling for the mass-programming.
  5. I've been just reading about this: https://robertedwardgrant.com/precise-temperament-tuning/ When I get the time, I'll have to watch the video and see if they're similar!
  6. [Deleted] Nevermind. Nobody wants to know the real science anymore anyway. All the top-ranked search results show the BS answers that support the global agenda. (My PhD work was in neuroscience so if you want to understand how getting your amygdala triggered makes you susceptible to suggestions and turns off all critical thinking, just ask! ?)
  7. She's cute. I'll excuse the misspelling (this time!). ?
  8. Why have a song when you can have a whole album??? Crystal Method - Vegas
  9. BTO was the first true rock band I ever saw perform! No idea how young I was (single digits), but I saw them at Knotts Berry Farm! ?
  10. I always start with anything by finding some tutorial videos on YouTube (which I tend to watch at 1.75x speed). The goal being to just get a quick overview plus your subconscious brain starts to register all the new words. Then, later, when you watch one to learn a specific aspect, it helps make sense of things. I know I used to get every book that a long-time member here would create (Craig Anderton), but that was before we had a ton of content on YouTube. Having a basic understanding of the look & feel, standard ways to get around, and the correct words will then make it a lot easier for the guys here to help you with any questions in the future! Welcome and enjoy! ?
  11. I still remember asking to work extra at my job, mowing a LOT of lawns and doing other side-jobs trying to earn enough to buy a Commodore64 when it finally came out. The model I wanted was over $800 (the base model was close to $600 if I recall correctly). By the time it came out, we were hearing of others on the horizon (this was 1982), so I ended up just saving my money and eventually getting something else! ? For reference, minimum wage had just been boosted to $3.10 an hour the year before. *Woot!* I'm rich!!! ?
  12. @Rain - C'mon man! Don't leave us hangin' here!
  13. Only if it was programmed to count! ?
  14. Thought I'd POP in to see if this topic would MOV me, but nothing registered with me, so I'm just going to PUSH on and LEAve. ?
  15. Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit! Well, at least it looks easier Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch! ?
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