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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Prompt: "Write me a cover of the song Theme For An Imaginary Western done in the style of Citizen Regen. Please tw@t the key into Am and remove the latency in the bass player." ?
  2. Of course! Duh! So is this your first all AI created song? ??
  3. But is ChatGPT one of those over-rated guitarists? ? ?
  4. In my case, some criminal coordination (as far as I'm concerned) between FedEx and Amazon cost me and my business partner over $16k when we used to be Third Party sellers on Amazon. We had one of our sources send stock from their warehouse to Amazon using FedEx. There were two products with quite a few units of each. Amazon claimed that only one of the products arrived but wouldn't let us ask for an investigation until a set period of time had elapsed (over 30 days!). At that point Amazon merely reiterated that they didn't get the products, our supplier reiterated that their stock had been diminished by the ordered amount, and FedEx claimed that it was now too late to file a claim! ? My own investigating showed FedEx's own documentation had the correct package weights, but the only entity NOT involved in the whole chain (US!) were left footing the bill all the while knowing that Amazon had basically stolen all of our merchandise with FedEx's help. This was nowhere near the only dirty trick Amazon pulled, so we quit. ? Friends and family have been getting the Amazon returned products from us for a few years now! ?
  5. Utopia - Hammer In My Heart (Always thought this one kicked butt! ?)
  6. "John Tesh declared best pianist ever!" "Yoko Ono declared best vocalist ever!" ?????????????
  7. Back in a time when politicians actually thought they could fool everyone. ("I am not a crook!") Now, they don't even put up the charade anymore...
  8. Wow, Dave! You must be anxious to get this package to be up before 4 am! ?
  9. Apparently this was already known over 50 years ago...
  10. FWIW - As someone who has become familiar with ChatGPT only because the guy I'm currently programming with wants to use it in custom apps for people, there's a decent amount of difference between the publicly available version (v3.5) and the latest version we pay for (v4). v4 is FAR better and faster at every task we've given it.
  11. Which brings me back to ... Dubstar - Stars
  12. Have you called Sweetwater to say something smells fishy yet? Back in the day I had a contact who was great for all sorts of questions (and deals).
  13. In related news... Scientists are puzzled why ChatGPT is suddenly finding ways to buy every plugin known to man! (They're also puzzled why it keeps spelling bacon as becan! ?)
  14. Just started watching this and can't stop laughing at Chris' rig (around the 2 minute mark)! "Just" a guitar and an amp, except that the guitar is a '59 Les Paul and the amp is a Special Overdrive Dumble!!! Want that amp? Here's an ad for a used one that's actually under $500k!!! ? https://reverb.com/item/6933261-dumble-overdrive-special-amplifier-head-dumble-footswitch-evm12l-cab-4x12-cab-and-1980s-dumbleator-with-flight-case Add the guitar to that (which can be had for as low as $50k for a "real" '59 Les Paul) and you could almost buy every plugin that Bapu owns! ?
  15. Right you are! (I only put that in to see if anyone was paying attention! ?) No, I meant to say Adrian Belew. I got confused because Vai replaced Yngwie in Alcatraz, not in Zappa's band. Thanks for noticing that!
  16. So THAT'S what you wanted to use the image for!!! LMAO! ?
  17. Dr. Hook - Cover of the Rolling Stone
  18. Finally got around to watching and... I must admit, it's hard to argue with his list. That said, I also like how he said "taken into context." We're not talking about the results here, we're talking about over-admiration for playing ability. I had the video below (might still have it!): OMG was it bad! In real life, Jimi's using a guitar upside down and just flowing with his thoughts. But, on the video, people who are NOT Jimi are trying to explain how the music was made using music theory! Towards the beginning they show Jimi hammering on some strings and then try to explain how he's using some wild chord progression! No! He's literally just hammering his fingers in an area that sounded good to him! I stopped watching... All of that said, on my personal list (started decades ago!), #1 was Clapton and #2 was Santana, so not far off! I'm also glad that he didn't include other guitarists just because they played sloppy live or else Jimmy Page would have been on the list! Of course, I've always been impressed that Jimmy could do much of anything on stage since he was usually on enough drugs to blind a camel. ? So, to end this on a positive note I, personally, couldn't care less how off-the-charts talented someone is if they can't make enjoyable music! Plus, I don't care how that happens. As Zappa has said, you can always hire a "stunt guitarist" (he's had Yngwie and Vai that I can recall off the top of my head). I think this graphic captures this:
  19. Poor Dave... Orders a mixer and gets a mix-up!
  20. So... Do you think John Fogerty is an overrated guitarist? Or was this post meant for the Cover Song Hall of Fame thread? ?
  21. Was just getting the link to this when I saw your cat comment... ?
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