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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Well throw another shrimp on then!!! ?
  2. My Variax has a modeled Sitar in it. Good enough for me! (I think I used it twice...?)
  3. I used to have an Antares AVP-1 and TC Helicon Voice One that were good for hiding crappy singing (and proving to certain friends that they really weren't that "awesome" at singing! ? ).
  4. You can survive the voltage, it's the amperage that will kill ya! (Says the guy who once got zapped by over 220,000 volts during a physics demonstration! ?)
  5. When asked what took them so long, FedEx replied that there must have been some kind of mix up! ?
  6. Gives you something to do when you should be driving your car but aren't, roight? ?
  7. Bing is now purely run by ChatGPT 4. They had early access to this version just for this purpose. Watch this entertaining video to see what they called the project and what the project now THINKS about things!
  8. Yep! Evidently, there's been some changes with Gmail by Google. In addition to more showing up as spam, I had to add a new record to the DNS of the domains that send email to personal Gmail addresses to prove I was sending from a known domain otherwise they were just getting rejected. I hear the next wave for Google is to delete all Gmail accounts that haven't been accessed for over two years...
  9. I hear you about the singing! My voice was good for being a DJ and for some voice-overs but, singing? Not so much! ? I wouldn't be surprised if you find what you're looking for here. The last collab I did (many years ago) was with someone in another forum and we found a member there to sing. I was in the Southern California, the other guy was near London and the singer was in Belgium! Coordination was a bit tedious back then. Now, with several ways to talk to each other online (Zoom, Skype, etc.) you can interact and work things out then exchange stems in all sorts of ways (Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive or, my favorite, using FTP to a website). I know there have been several of these setups here. Although there aren't as many ladies here anymore, we've had some excellent vocalists in the past (one was Julibee who I was getting set up to work with right when I lost everything, including my music studio, back in 2009...). That girl could sing Paganini! (She sent me a demo!) Good luck! ?
  10. Good job Ed! I literally told someone that was near me when I posted that "Let's see how long before someone posts [I had said a YouTube video] of the Doors below that!" Close enough! ?
  11. I'd still test that puppy out well! But, it sounds like a happy ending none-the-less! ?
  12. Ney! ? But in related news, Historians were combing through Shakespeare's house and found the pencils he had used in some of his writings. They had all been chewed up pretty badly, so it was hard to tell if they were 2B or not 2B...
  13. Well Dave??? Did you get it today??? ?
  14. Me to anyone wanting to "help" roll-up the cables: "Do you know how to roadie-wrap? If not, then please don't help!"
  15. It IS! And you will probably be persecuted for it!!! ? (Yeah, right! ? )
  16. If you'd like to lose some weight, it sounds like all you need to do is have FedEx delivery your food too! This is BS and I hope you let them know Dave! Claim (truthfully or not) that this was a required bit of gear that needed to be setup before tomorrow's gig! YOU DESERVE COMPENSATION!
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