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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I don't mean like this. This is normal. I mean folders sometimes are not selectable at all. This is a known issue :
  2. I like this sample manager, but it drives me crazy that updates often lead to folders being grayed out and having to start rebuilding database from scratch
  3. This question prompted me to pull out Captain for the first time in a long time. What I do find Captain plugins useful for is songwriting. I laid down a foundation for a song we are making a demo for within minutes. The drums took the longest since Captain Beat is trash. Eventually everything but perhaps the bassline and a pluck motiff will be replaced, but it did it's job on creating something to write to.
  4. Not all, but my ex might beg to differ!
  5. I have both and they are very different beasts. Scaler is a lot less random. Both can give instant gratification, but Scaler has more valuable to a person who understands music theory and can grow with you a lot better imho. Captain is better at generating usable parts that work well together. I use Scaler far more because I can place chords that are difficult for me to play. If I can think it, I can do it. In any case, Scaler works well with other generative tools.
  6. I like this bundle but I occasionally get bugs . I fear the lack of updates will eventually catch me offguard on a critical project.
  7. Not falling for troll bait. Enjoy your evening. Relay works just fine in that capacity for me.
  8. That would be my guess but i am drowning in Pigment presets already
  9. My guess is that Izotope figured that the people getting the elements versions were more interested in instant gratification than control. I always thought the most versions were kinda overpowered for items often given out for free.
  10. I think Mastering the Mix is more of a great value Izotope than an improved WA. ?
  11. If you already have ozone elements 9, it's not a huge deal, especially if you have gotten elements free like a lot of us. If you got audiolens free, it may still be worth getting 10 on sale. 9 and 10 can run sude by side
  12. Despite your indepth and detailed reply, I have no idea what you mean.
  13. I watched this and his follow up. It was a firm reminder that guys like Dan are very useful but not immune to bias. To his credit he acknowledged his bias. He clearly downplayed anything Kirchoff was better at by saying the feature was not useful. On the other hand, the main point I got from the video is the idea one sounds better is most likely a bit of placbo and that replacing fab filter if it works for you is plain silly. If you don't own either, it is hard to ignore the price difference. If price is the absolute end all and you want a similar interface, Total EQ by Hornet is not a bad option since it can be had as low as $10. Nonw of these options will make you better at EQing but being used to a certain workflow and design will probably improve efficiency. I use stock studio one plugin or Mequaliser for most tasks.
  14. I can empathize with financial struggles, but Scaler is one of those products that provides tons of value at it's price range even at full price, even though it always seems to be on sale for $29, which is more than reasonable.
  15. Kinda. Izotope products will communicate with each other without Relay. Relay allows Izotope to communicate with tracks (on a limited level) with tracks that don't have Izotope. It's very basic, but useful for using Izotope AI for gain staging.
  16. This video shows a way around one weakness of instacomposer. It becomes more like a way of adding Toontrack's bandmate to scaler.
  17. I think where fabfilter and kirchoff shine more over melda is the more intuitive GUI. Other than that, I can't think of anything I do EQ wise that I can't do with Melda.
  18. Also, the process is generative, so the likelihood of having same song is low. Unfortunately that means you have to aort through a lot of random nonsense for anything useful. Someone with more time than me will figure a hack to maximize ideal results
  19. I wouldn't call it a scam. It tells you exactly what it is. I am just not sure if the effort it takes to humanize the results is worth it
  20. To each his own. I'm not buying a whole synth an attempt to tryvand convince you of something you clearly shave your mind made up on. I did once grab a wave cycle from serum and made a simple patch and I couldn't tell the difference. Sorry for your experience.
  21. I respect your experience but I find it to be the opposite. Some of the filters are literally the same filters from stand alone products that are well regarded. It has become my go to.
  22. And another vote for scaler. Basic usage of scaler is simple, but it has so many other usages like routing other midi products like ezkeys to snap to other scales.
  23. I tried to like it, but it had three big problems for me: 1) workflow. Although some complain about built in sounds in scaler, they are helpful during composition phase. Yes, I could make a kontakt template to route everything, but then i still have to jump back and forth between two plugins to flesh out basic ideas. 2) the results are random and often mid asf and mostly robotic. Getting something usable is like hitting lottery in my experience. 3) It seems to be overly geared towards EDM. I like EDM but only usable results for me were in that umbrella. I do occasionally visit it because I have found with ALL of their midi products, their examples undersell capabilities. It took me forever to properly learn how to use instachord because apl their examples were repetitive trance songs.
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