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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I had plugin years ago. Not sure of I need yet another version of this, but always curious.
  2. I have noticed that some newer VST3 plugins install weirdly on my Windows 10 machine but perfectly on Windows 11
  3. I realize the curve is not the end all, but it has some use even if it is only a start point. If the curve was completely different, we already know they are vastly different without having to get into more detailed factors. Again, I am far from a pro. I just thought it was fun and interesting. Also, remember that this started with me noticing that they didn't sound that different. I wanted to peek to see if my ears were completely off.
  4. Same. The Nomad Factory version does have them all together
  5. Maybe I should by a second license to never use?
  6. I found the Ruletec was almost identical too except for an analog emulation of instability that can be turned off. Ik has something similar
  7. The way my bank account is set up. ... Paul Third did do a hardware comparison and determined UAD was damn close.
  8. I'm not one of those youtube guys like Paul or Dan lol. I did the quick and dirty. I'm sure much deeper analysis is to be had. Thanks for the added info ?
  9. One of the things that drives me crazy with plugins (particularly the emulations) is wondering if they are worth it. Like many of you, I bit on the UAD Pultec offer. It's a great sounding plugin...just like all the rest of my Pultec emulations. If I had to rank them, I suppose it has an edge on some, but I found some surprises. Although UAD version is conditionally free for now, it typically not. I recently remembered I have the Nomad Factory updated version , which, like UAD has multiple Pultec EQs. I started there and then added a couple. Surprisingly, the Nomad Retro version was not far from the UAD soundwise. There was a slight difference, but this sounded more like the difference between hardware units than a drastic change. I am attaching plugin doctor screen shots that show that each module in Nomad matched up well with UAD using almost identical settings. For comparison, I also compared IK EQ P1A, Melda TurboEQ and for kicks i attempted a super quick attempt to match using MAutodynamic EQ. Melda was harder to match up due to massive GUI differences, but it took less than a minute to come close. Attached are screenshots. Conclusions: Melda offers best overall value, but has bigger learning curve to use as a Pultec alternative. Experienced audio engineers with better ears than me can save by going that route. For those looking for a cheaper alternative Pultec to UAD that has same interface/workflow to dial in similar results, Nomad Factory is a hidden gem.
  10. Some have small subsets of what Scaler has. Ableton comes to mind. I think a good free subset of scaler option is the free ripchord plugin. I think more and more DAWs will eventually incorporate more of this, including AI options, since they are running out of features that can justify the upgrade and subscription prices. The absolute ONLY reason i upgraded Studio one from 5 is my waves plugins broke during that foolish update they did when they tried to force subscription.
  11. Yes, if you bother to use it. Even at the lowest commitment level, it will enable all but the most skilled keyboard players to play chords they would likely have not played otherwise. I can conceptualize playing an 11th chord, but it's not happening in practice. Granted, the need for me to ever do so is rare. It is a great tool for figuring modal interchange as well. In any case, I have spent more on things that were absolutely useless
  12. Worth it if you like gritty 90s Boom Bap drums
  13. I think this was posted a couple if days ago
  14. FL , for starters has lifetime free updates. In a software world that is shifting from periodically charging for what are sometimes minor upgrades to endless subscriptions, this is huge. In a pop world that relies more and more on computer based production, having what is often said to be the best piano roll among DAWs is also huge . Ableton simply has a workflow that works better with EDM than most. Ableton also has very usable sounds and stock plugins. It has a more modern workflow that does not assume user is coming from analog world. Pro tools and other products that have a similar workflow that emulates working with tape, are in some ways less efficient, particularly for younger users who were not raised on consoles and tape. Both have very tight sampler/ DAW integration. Something Sonar/Cakewalk has always lacked. Studio one does a decent job at this, but nowhere near as well as these two.
  15. It's totally safe but i can understand the concern. Good product.
  16. Harrison is in that category of companies whose response to criticism totally turned me off to buying their products.
  17. The moment my waves plugins no longer work, I will easily stop using them. There are maybe 2-3 Waves plugins that I don't have equivalents to.
  18. This guy manages to do well with classical in FL, but even he admits it poses challenges:
  19. Had to refresh a few times, but eventually worked. Good bank!
  20. I'm guessing Ableton or FL Studio.
  21. I don't think he was ever a fan. I have seen him mention this on his videos.
  22. Doubt the layout changes. Too many hit song producers use it as is. There have been rumblings of MPC 3.0 which I hope will address VST 3. I think the interface and workflow are annoying to people not used to MPC, but even Roger Linn seems to like the current state of MPC. People who I know use MPC tend to be more worried about handling their own samples than adding synths.
  23. Highly recommended if you don't have. They are not as extensive as other collections, but they have a high percentage of plugins you will actually use regularly. They have replaced other versions of similar plugins in my mixing templates. I would be shocked if you didn't find at least 10 that you find highly useful for day to day use.
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