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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I always regret passing on sonible products but feels redundant with audiolens being free
  2. I have tried to like WA plugins but I end up not using them. At this point, I don't even want as freebies.
  3. I think Air plugins are great....as stock plugs for systems like pro tools and MPC hardware. The limitations of MPC hardware incentivize user to reduce reliance on third party plugs. They are also decent as low cost- or better still, free -add ons for non-MPC users. Fabric XL is damn good but for the money, nowhere near the best buy at regular price. Even at the recent 99 dollar sale price, I would rather upgrade my v collection.
  4. I used to think that until I saw a guy making high level classical music on it. Granted, I think it is still inferior to Cubase in that regard, but each version adds more functionality. I respectfully disagree about it being a loop and sample music maker's DAW. I think it's more of a drum sequencer and piano roll composer's DAW. FL is very popular in pop music in multiple genres that rely far more on sequencing than sampling. It is the DAW for trap and drill and hybrid pop like k-pop or Arianah Grande/Justin Bieber type composition. I think Ableton is superior for sample based production. I think certain genres have made lo-fi methods that oddly enough emulate sample loops sound so degraded that they get mistaken as such. When I think of genres that still heavily sample (90s style boombap or retro sounding acts like Griselda) I find more MPC hardware, Maschine, Ableton and retro gear ( Kanye uses mostly hardware) with some FL.
  5. Hmmm. Everyone i know says they got free update and that it was a name change rather than product change. People still call it fruity loops ? They could be lying.
  6. I bit. I doubt I will ever bite on the WUP, but I am on windows. I used Rbass for 8 years or so without updating . These are among the most reliable go to plugins year after year.
  7. This is a game changer and brilliant in that it removes the barrier of copyright infringement . I hope it doesn't give RIAA the idea of trying to claim rights to "profiles". As far fetched as it sounds, the number of copyright claims that are little more than common chord progressions and motiffs makes it less farfetched than it sounds
  8. Hmmm to increase or not to increase my WUP? On the other hand this restarts the clock on my current waves plugins for little more than what I would likely pay
  9. What I love about scaler is that it is useful for beginners and advanced alike.
  10. No one really wants to, but every now and then it is the only option in a situation. I have seen opportunities acted upon because a person was able to play a song on the spot
  11. I use this a lot. Prefer bettermaker as far as pultec emulations but I don't have that at one studio i work out of.
  12. I stole their products and then felt so empowered that I bought them. Paid for this one too
  13. I'm not mad at Izotope for abandoning these products. Many are old and /or not very popular. I'm assuming they cannibalized exponential audio code and what is useful will be in products going forward. I am more annoyed at the fact that they have included some of these products in recent bundles knowing they were on chopping block.
  14. I like Macs, but hate Apple's continual cycle of milking customers with intentional crippling of products
  15. Despite having v collection 8, I find myself using this more often than not. There's usually something for most occasions.
  16. Doesn't help that I am literally working on a song where I am not liking my piano
  17. I will also say I prefer NI session guitarist. Ujam products always feel like I am just cutting and pasting loops.
  18. Me too. I have yet to actually use it in a song.
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