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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. dubdisciple

    NI FM8 for $12

    FM8 definitely carved it's own niche that goes way beyond simply emulation. I just wonder if it's worth my while to dive that deeply into a synth when i have too many already lol. One upside of FM8 is there are a ton of resources for learning
  2. I think Juno love is more about nostalgia for genres and classic songs that used it rather than the technical capabilities of the synth itself. back before the days of having a 100 soft synths, countless aspiring dance music creators could often afford a limited setup. For those who know the history of Deep House, Larry heard created House classics like 'Can You feel it" using a Roland 707 and Juno 6. The simple bassline was the 707 triggering Juno. The simplicity of creating sound on a Juno was for many a more usable option for many compared to other budget options like casio. This also create a copycat effect. Nostalgia has a habit of giving us reverence for things that were never the sum of our adulation. I do, however find that occasionally limiting myself to the budget tools of yesteryear helps trigger my beginner mindset and sparks creativity that scarcity sometimes provides. I have a template that is basically a Juno, 909 and sampler.
  3. dubdisciple

    NI FM8 for $12

    I'm on the fence. $10 seems like a nobrainer but I honestly think that that Arturia's DX7 sounds slightly better. Other than recreating skrilex-esque bass growls, I'm unsure if it's worth it
  4. Damn. I already have PB freebie lol. I suppose it's a sign I don't need more plugins I won't use.
  5. It's really the best part of 1. I have not tried 2 yet. I was going to see which is free gift for August from PB lol
  6. Vital is definitely more intuitive by miles.
  7. Same guy does a similar through walkthrough on Vital. I have thought about getting Serum, but owning Vital and Pigments it seems somewhat redundant, especially since both will load Serum wavetables
  8. Surge is one of the most powerful synths free or paid. Just not a fan of interface. This is the best walkthrough I have seen on it and exactly why Cameron didn't go into great detail:
  9. Scaler is better overall, but I have discovered (after letting instachord sit for 2 years) that for guitar parts instachord works slightly better for love input on guitar parts because of the ability to have multiple strum patterns and speeds. They work well together
  10. I originally bought from PB and offer was still in my account
  11. It's been free on gamepass for awhile and it is just as weird as it sounds
  12. If studio one turns to trash I am going with Logic
  13. I did not take his words to mean they were getting rid of pro but trying to create entry point that is usable without reading an actual manual. The strategy in the past was to give out an an "entry level" version of the pro version which requires you to have an understanding of the pro product to use but with less features. The core is identical but has locked features and less auxillary content. A DAW is going to be pretty hard to document in a manual less than 150 pages considering all the hardware products it replaces. Take every manual to every hardware console, processor, effect etc and you are still going to have a lot of documentation. For many of us, most if the manual is redundant. Most of us don't need a manual on an EQ and will simply start using from day 1. Fender, like other hardware manufacturers in the past make the fatal mistake when getting into software business of trying to recreate nostalgia of the "good ol days" of buying a 4 track and having a few friends plug into a cheap mixer in the garage. The truth is the customer base is too diverse for that to work.
  14. It is my primary synth now. I often find myself using it for everything. Most of my bass even comes from it these days
  15. Pigments is a known cpu hog but my computer handles it pretty well. I got upgrade. Worth it imo.
  16. my computer wouldn't install. said it had a trojan and deleted install file lol
  17. I think i will trigger today
  18. I actually meant to say CPU hog but I am glad I messes up since you gave a good explanation
  19. I expect such an instrument to be a memory hog. I tend to freeze these types of tracks early on.
  20. Touché, but I do use the others, just not as much. A workhorse main synth is just bound to get more work than niche synths. It would be kinda weird to use a Mellotron daily?
  21. I'm surprised how little info is out regarding differences aside from presets. I was looking for a way to adjust ADSR in the Intro version and was hoping full version had just that.
  22. Hard to resist at this price. I can't justify upgrading from 8 to 9 to get a few more synths I will barely use, but the strings seem aimed at guys like me who love lush strings but don't make enough orchestral stuff to justify a dedicated string library
  23. You would be surprised how many younger artists use Arturia. Hip-Hop and UK Drill artists love it. Also great for modern R&B and Lo-fi. Any genre that has the need for creating retro sounding samples they are better than most. Omnisphere is still king in the genres I named, but Arturia has a respectable showing. Not trying to sell you on them, but it might be worth a look. I too use Pigments more than the others. It just works
  24. Never noticed that issue. Maybe I just lowered volume and kept going lol
  25. I still use my old z3ta+ patches from him. Great sound designer
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