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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I don't hate this, but I definitely don't love it. Waves does have the product line to be the one stop source for plugins( excluding instruments) if you are running a profitable studio. I think the big gamble Waves is taking is that they don't have the unique position that Adobe had. Photoshop has enjoyed the advantage of not having had a serious competitor since the 90's. The same is true for After Effects to a lesser degree ( more powerful compositing software exists, but AE occupies a unique lane that happens to work well with their other software). It took me awhile to move on from Adobe( Resolve is better than Premier in multiple areas and Affinity photo is a notch below but usable for my purposes), but finally have a combo that works for me. With Waves it is very different. I could never use a Waves product again starting now and not miss a step. I am sure this is true for many of us even if we love certain products ( Rvox is on most of my vocal chains ). In fact, I am willing to say most of us have individual plugins as good as or superior to every equivalent waves plugin. Most of us wouldn't be lose sleep if we were "stuck" using Fabfilter Pro L, Sonible Smart Limiter or even Newfangled Elevate instead of L2 the same way as an image processing professional would struggle if Photoshop got yanked overnight. I get the theory behind subscriptions. It forces upgrades when customers would be content to skip version or wait, and thus making income more predictable. In this case, it may blowup. I simply don't need Waves and I am sure I have at least 5 years with my current versions. More than enough time to replace Waves with plugins I likely already have. I started playing with Bassmint more today.
  2. I'm not sure if that's true. I bought one of these bundles a couple of years ago and soundforge was a couple back but came with standard set of add-ons even though these things were not listed individually. You are right that they gave separate serial for it, just like when you buy it regularly.
  3. @Brian Walton sadly I agree. Like you, I have always felt empathy for those who have been begging for staff view improvements, while feeling it would be an impractical allocation of resources that ignores the needs of things more in demand
  4. Oops..i misread "autoequalizer" and thought it said "autodynamic". My fault
  5. MAutodunamic EQ is not only the best bang for the buck at this price, it can emulate any of the eqs found in Melda'sTurboEQ. Oops...wrong eq
  6. Does anyone knows how this compares to the melda hack version posted by Paul the third?
  7. This version of autotune is trash, even on sale. I for it for free and still don't use it.
  8. I still use AD 1 and it still slaps. ??‍♂️ Maybe if I did more rock or folk stuff I might see it differently.
  9. Just to be clear, graillon is not better or even equal to autotune. If you have a lot of rappers or modern rnb/trap based pop singers to record, it will pale in comparison, but it is great if you only have occasional needs for the effect
  10. Was not aware since I am on windows. Even more reason to give Graillon a look as a budget alternative. I blame apple for making software companies jump through hoops. I use both windows and mac and it it sometimes frustrates me that i go through this with mac every few months but i have windows vsts that i originally got for win 7 that stull work.
  11. Graillon is one of the better autotune alternatives imo. It has a very warm sound compared to other autotune type plugins. I think crispy tuner (when bought in sale) is a better deal than regular price graillon, but still an option.
  12. Thanks. Almost forgot. I definitely need a drive for this
  13. This is one of the greatest tests of gas resistance ever. 69.99 for all of this seems crazy to pass up, yet i know i don't need it. I will likely grab because ik has been great to me over the years.
  14. My son found a like new promo copy of Stevie Wonder's Innervisions on Vinyl.
  15. I got this and never actually registered or installed
  16. I keep forgetting I have Bassroom. I also forgot what Animate even does lol. I just got Reso amd use it a lot. I am sad they dropped their balancing channels site. It was a great teaching aid
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