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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. I use the free One Drive that is built into Windows. It's not very big at 0nly 5 GB but because of how I use it I still have lots of room. ( 2.4 GB ) I have over 200 backing tracks stored but they are 100% midi so take very little room. I just looked and these are using 112 MB. Until you actually record audio you can have just CWP files and there will be no other folders, just the icon. I put a lot of work into the midi tracks of my songs so these files are more dear to me than the audio which I can always do again. The system is brilliant as I work between 2 workstations and the files are always up to date. I also have these backed up in a dated folder in 3 other Back up Hard drive locations. So that's 5 Hard drives and the cloud. Note : I also back these up as midi files too. Those can be used by any DAW. Probably for a long time yet. To record audio I then open a backing track file, then "save as " to a new One drive folder and start recording. Cakewalk will automatically create an audio folder. I could not do this ( audio) at my last house which had pour internet. I'm on super fast unlimited now so this is working fine. I will keep an eye on One Drive storage and move finished songs elsewhere to clean up if I start getting full.
  2. I use Wave Lab Elements which I paid $100 Can for years ago. I've used Wave Lab since 2001 so I'm super fast with it. Downside is the E Licence dongle or software. I bought the dongle so I could run it on both my workstation. I have a few other Wave editors which are all very good but Wave Lab is the only one I use that has one important ( to me) feature. When you open a tool, it stays open and available until closed. Most editors including Cakewalk make you re-open a tool each time you use it. Example Gain or Normalize. So if I'm running through a file killing Plosives I can open the EQ set it up to cut the low end, and then all I do is process the tiny parts that needed as I run through the file with 2 mouse moves. Highlight/ process Super fast. The best free editor I've played with is Acoustica by Acon Digital. You have to dig on the website but there is a freebie of the older Version 6.
  3. As the man said above. A Wave editor was designed from the ground up just to edit a stereo wave file so it is optimized for working with that sort of material. And once you learn your way around which ever version you choose you could never use something like a DAW to edit a stereo file.. DAW's are for multi track and a Wave editor is for your 2 track. As said you can see and zoom in on unwanted material and delete it all with out letting go of the mouse. A method of working with audio books or spoken word is to have the narrator stop cold if they make an error, wait a few seconds and start over. The pause in the dialog is very visible when editing. You then listen to the pick up words and quickly scroll back find them and delete. All can be done in seconds especially if you have a script.
  4. For this sort of recording I much prefer a Wave Editor like Wave Lab. There are also many free editors that can do the job but my workflow with stereo recordings is definitely way faster and more precise using Wave Lab. And yes you can add markers on the fly.
  5. No. But you really do need to abandon Splat and get up to speed. There's soooo much that has been improved and one of those improvements is way better integration with W10. Put your DAW on line, update to CbB and go back off line when done. You just need to go on line from time to time to update.
  6. I would not even think about using anything live that even had a .1% chance of crashing or freezing.. I use wave files.. 20 years and never a crash
  7. +1 to what Jim said , And look for one with a Ferrite choke.
  8. First open the event list and look for any CC events. Volume is 7 but there are others that can also change level. You can also look in PVR and make sure your velocities are all where they belong as well as open the lower event pane and select CC7. . Then open the GUI for the VST and look at the volume/ level controls. If there are hidden events that change them you will see the knobs or sliders move when the song plays. Example turn up the GUI level and start the song. IF it jumps back to where it was there is a controller hidden somewhere. Also open the automation lane for the VST instrument track and look there.
  9. I have the 6i6, The mix control software is capable of any mix your heart desires. You'll just have to take the time to understand how it works. There are lot's of good videos explaining how to set it up.
  10. I'm not sure if the convert an Audio track to midi works without Melodyne. I do remember I had installed a free copy of Home Studio to a laptop with no prior versions of Sonar present and this feature worked.
  11. What scook said. There has always been the potential to make a huge mess when copy pasting. Simply put, it does not work the way one expects it to work. Please consider fixing this in the future. But thanks for the new fixes and looking forward to Ara2, I have avoided Melodyne up until now.
  12. Because I don't need to change the mix of my backing tracks I use Wave files and playback using Winamp. I then have a second laptop for lyrics if I need them. Mostly I have memorized 90% of my material so depending on gig I often don't even bother with the lyrics. The lyric laptop is also a back up if needed. I found the Cakewalk playlist was a little too slow to change songs and was harder to jump around if I felt the need to ad lib my set list on the fly. I use a USB foot switch ( Stealth) to control playback of Win Amp and another cheap USB foot switch to control Power point for the lyrics. Been uing this type of set up for over 15 years now and have never had any issues. I only need a very small mixer, set of powered speakers, guitar amp, few pedals and a small laptop ( netbook). I recently added a TC Voice Live box and it has added a nice touch to the vocals.
  13. I was excited when I bought these nice Sony Bluetooth phones but huge disappointment when I tried them with cakewalk. The latency even made editing hard to do because what you see and what you hear is off time.
  14. For me it is my saved lens. Even old projects open with the console view on my second monitor.
  15. You have to make the master buss the default. Make sure all you tracks outputs are sent to the master buss they are probably going directly to your interface you can test this by muting the master buss. If you still hear audio then it is being bypassed
  16. There has been plenty of threads about this topic and all will tell you the same. CbB is pretty painless Upgrade. If you already have Sonar then CbB is an upgrade with more stability and improvements. In my opinion only a fool would still be using Sonar. The only objection that I’ve heard is those who still oddly enough want 32 bit
  17. I ported over a few projects back when we were all looking for a new DAW to replace Gibson Sonar. It was possibly an hours work, but I had no issues. Firstly, if your project has a lot of midi then your more than half way there. Just save your CbB song as a midi file. Name the tracks after the synth used and in my case I made sure they were using different midi channels just to be safe. Also have presets saved for each synth. This will open in Cubase and play using the default GM player. Now just re assign the tracks to the synths you used in Cakewalk and load the presets. This should result in the exact same playback as Cakewalk. For audio bounce all audio to create a continuous tracks . Make sure to name them clearly. Drag and drop these from the cakewalk project audio folder to blank Cubase audio tracks. For me it all worked easily but you will be missing any pro channel stuff from the mix.
  18. If there is only one tempo listed in the tempo map, then changing the tempo in the widget is global for the whole song. But if the tempo map has any more than one tempo in the list it will override the widget. You simply delete all but the desired tempo from the list.
  19. Open the Tempo Map view, Alt-shift 5 Or from the Views dropdown, it is one of the Multi docks,
  20. technically because CbB is free your not really doing harm by talking or even raving about other software. My approach to making a album is to first try and use the same ""band" that the instruments and settings are close to the same from song to song. Example, I will use the same bass VST using the exact same settings and signal path. Drums I build a kit and then just like a real drummer I might change the only snare. I make notes and try to record all my guitars and vocals using the same pre amps, mikes etc. All songs will share the same buss set up and plug ins with pre sets or use mix recall to share pre sets. Mix recall can be a powerful tool for sharing a set up from song to song. I then export each song and master in Wave Lab. II make sure each song has the same average RMS level. I listen to this on as many systems as possible and take notes. If one song shines as the best I then see why and copy it's mix recall to other songs. After a few rounds the "album" has good glue and even if the styles are different it sounds more like a concert of a live band. My wife is very critical of when my songs don't sound the same.
  21. The pesky Stienberg generic asio driver does cause problems for many, I deleted it from my system following some obscure instructions. You don't need the driver for any of Stienbergs software if you already have a proper interface. Cubase and Wave Lab still work fine for me without the generic driver. For screen capture it gets tricky with ASIO as many programs don't seem to recognize all the ports. I solved the problem by using a small mixer to loopback my DAW playback to the capture program. I plugged my mike into the mixer and I can easily adjust the DAW playback and the mike levels. That way the DAW is running in proper full ASIO.
  22. Like I said there are always more than 5 ways to do something in Cakewalk. My method is the fastest as you need not open any dialog boxes. Click/drag/click/drag. It works best if you find the note with the lowest velocity. but generally they are close enough to not make any difference to the sound. Not sure if this short video will work? 2019-04-20 20-41-42.flv
  23. If the Midi file was composed to play on a GM VST or MS Wavetable then those will control those parameters. But most VST's are not GM so they ignore the Effects CC. When I download a GM file I immediately go into event list and delete most of the controllers. I don't want the data telling my VST what to do. Even pitch bend can be all wrong.
  24. If you read what I say, I also have no issues with W10,,, I DO have issues with W7 and will leave it behind soon. It's just the 2 old laptops that have W7. One was a Vista vintage so no way to put W10 on it but the second came with W8.0 but being cheap I opted for my W7 crack over paying for a new OS when I changed the HD to a SSD. Aser wanted $ 45 for the recovery disk.
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