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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. You should use a proper audio interface that uses ASIO drivers if you want Cakewalk to run smoothly. On-board cards are for gaming and not optimized to use with a DAW
  2. Does you audio interface have line inputs or combo jacks? There might be either a hardware or software toggle to change impedance for hi or low. Often noted as mike or instrument.
  3. It depends on your workflow. I find using a wave editor speeds mine up as I'm much more efficient at using Wave Lab to do wave editing. There is a way to set up Cakewalk to open a track in your wave editor Scook made a tool to makes this set up easy. I think this is the correct link. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Adding-programs-to-the-SONAR-Utilities-Menu-a-new-tool-Updated-for-CbB-m3237117.aspx Actually that seems broken,, scook hopefully will chime in and post the updated link. I can't find it. Sorry. You can use Calkwalks tools but for me they are slower and involve more dialog boxes. The volume envolope is propably what a lot of folks use. I have also used the SPLIT function to chop up a track and delete parts or apply volume gain to quiet parts. don't worry about that "destructive" editing farce. Digital audio with back ups is very safe from harm. Go ahead, destroy it...
  4. The GR is treated the same way you treat any midi controller. They are all the same in that they transmit midi data. I have a GR 50 looking at the specs for the GR 33 they are similar as far as using a GK PU and using DIN midi as output. Firstly I had always used Atari computers with built in DIN jacks. That always worked. Now I use an audio interface with DIN midi jacks. A MIDI sport should also work. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your OS installed,,, don't let Windows do this, download them from the manufacturers website. Go to the MIDI devices in preferences and make sure the midi sport is checked as an INPUT DEVICE. . Insert a MIDI track to your project and select the Midi sport as the input device OMNI. Now insert a VST instrument and assign the output of the MIDI track to that instrument. You may experience a bit of latency due to your systems capabilities. This is why Roland chose to hard wire the synth into to GR systems. to prevent latency. There is actually no midi involved. The GK drives the synth directly. What I do is use the GR 50 synth sounds for monitoring as I record. The recorded midi data will be in perfect snyc,,, it's just that using a VST to monitor you might have too much latency and it will throw your playing off. It's the same with digital drum kits on some systems. The synth sounds in the GR 33 can be recorded with audio cables via your audio interface.. They do not transfer through midi. midi is just data, not sound. But you know that.. I'm just repeating this as you'd be surprised how many folk don't know this.
  5. What are your computer specs? I can run CbB on a old Sony laptop made in 2008. I do have a SSD drive and a whopping 4 GB of RAM. The processor is 1 core 2.4. It has no problems handling 24 tracks of audio with standard effects and a few VST' instruments. A little slow in the graphics that's all. But I think CJ has your answer-- are you using a proper ASIO audio interface?
  6. There is a known issue with clock rate miss matches and it seems system dependent related to the quality of the audio ASIO driver. Video ( utube) uses 48 and a lot of people like me use 44.1 for all my recordings. I never have disconnect issues when using my Tascam or Focusrite interfaces but I was given a M Audio fast track pro ( ya real old) and it always disconnects. I only use my AUdio interfaces for all system sounds but I think some people solve this issue by setting things to use on board audio for everything other than DAW work. Seems a pita as you would need 2 sets of speakers.
  7. I set up CbB on a second laptop a year ago and took it to my band partners place so he could add his parts to our recordings. He has real bad internet and the Laptop is off line 100%. CbB is still working and he for some reason has never gotten the "demo" mode" pop up. Go figure. My DAw was in storage for 6 months while we moved and the minute I fired it up I got Demo mode.. but then it was on line too. SO might be if you totally stay off line you can use it forever.
  8. The thing here is if this was a bug then there would be general havoc here and a million posts. Example I don't have this issue and I'm sure that most of us are experiencing business as usual. I just updated today and have opened a bunch of songs that all have at least 4 VST instruments. They did make some change to accommodate multi outputs if your using an instrument track... I don't use instrument tracks so possibly this might be the difference. Is everybody that is having this issue using instrument tracks?
  9. What you are saying points to Windows is able to use the device possibly using generic drivers. Then you install the ASIO driver and Windows seems to not like this? With drivers installed what do you see when you hover the mouse over speaker icon in the lower right task bar of Windows? You should see a pop out window with something like " Line 1/2 Scarlett or Focusrite USB 100 % " If you left click the speaker icon and expand the dialog it will list the audio devices available. Choose the Scarlett. If it does not show then try reinstalling drivers and make sure you use a USB 2 port, I don't think 1st gen Focusrite supported USB 3.
  10. Yes my line out from my Blackstar is unusable for the same reason. That's why I use a mike. A solution to using a mike when you don't want leakage or disturb the household is to make a little isolation room for the amp. This can be a closet or even a insulated box. As a addition to this problem when I tried the USB output of the amp using WDM mode it had the same hum. Guitar amps are noisy buggers at best. You just need to play loud and drown it out!
  11. The point worth mentioning is that you cannot use 2 ASIO audio interfaces at the same time. If you have an interface that uses ASIO then that's the device your going to be using with Cakewalk. The Marshall is using what are called audio codex generic drivers. They will work fine buy themselves if your not using your audio interface. This is a common fault with Amps that have USB ports. They are next to pointless in a system that already has a interface. Best to use the audio output run to your interface or better yet, a mike.
  12. It's called slip editing. And it works as planned but if you have a automation lane happening it won't work. It's best to trim those tracks before you add automation. What you can do is use the "split" function and then delete the unwanted material. Right click the track to open the menu
  13. Good lord I guess you did't read my post,, Its very simple to highlight the notes,, use the smart tool to drag up or down and the velocity will be changed without making them all the same,, the lowest value will still be the lowest value. What do people have against using the mouse to speed things up? No need for menues or plug ins my goodness that's a lot of work to do the same thing I can do with one combination mouse move..
  14. I see I replied with the same answer in the thread scook posted. But easiest way I know of is highlight the notes and drag the velocity up or down using the smart tool placed in the velocity editing section of one of the notes. Just a couple of mouse moves and the smart tool is all it takes.
  15. I myself have never had issue with the authorization of Air software. Yes you have to install the ilok app but once you authorize you can then forget it exists. I think it asked for an update 2x in the 5 years I've had it. I also like that I can use the ilok to authorize different computers without much hassle. It's almost just as easy as using a USB dongle without wasting a port. This is not so with others like XLN on line installer. I tried to run the demo version of Addictive drums and Keys on a machine that once was fully authorized and the activation app won't let me past the "you already have this on 2 machines" warning. Tried wiping everything to do with XLN from the machine and it comes back so must be buried in the registry.
  16. My solution would be to google " whats the best video scoring software" and see what the status quo use. I doubt if Cakewalk will be mentioned. Cakewalk is a midi/audio sequencer. The video playback track is sort of a quickly done afterthought like many things they did in the past and is not professional quality. The software is now free and I can't see them spending development time on the video track,, just like the notation issue. I use Vegas for movies but that's just using a mastered audio track. I can see scoring would be the other way around with a mastered video and a full powerful featured DAW underneath.
  17. The OPEN automatically with TTS-1 is actually not that well documented. I couldn't figure out why it only worked sometimes until thanks to the forum & scook who pointed out the secret was having nothing checked in midi devices outputs. I only use TTS-1 for preview purposes. I certainly haven't used it in a song or backing track for a long while. I open the project and if I decide to use it I simply populate the project using my Track templates for each part and then point the appropriate tracks to those. The sonic difference is huge right away. I've done this as an experiment using only Cakewalk supplied instruments like Dim Pro and the SI stuff. Pretty much Dim Pro can replace most of the weird stuff in TTS-1 but because it's not GM it's a lot of work finding sounds. But once you have them you make a track template and name it Horn Section or Flute etc. I also use a very inexpensive synth called Air Xpand. It's always on sale for under $20 and it has a huge library of very usable sounds. https://www.jrrshop.com/air-music-tech-xpand-2 It might go on sale Boxing day for $9.00. One of the big differences is the built in effects are always much better on anything other than the TTS-1. I hope it keeps working forever as for me it's an important tool and huge time saver for previewing songs.
  18. One way to test TTS-1 is to OPEN an midi file. First you need to set Cakewalk to automatically open midi files with the TTS1-. Go to Preferences/ Midi/ Devices and un check any output boxes. Now find any midi file and tell it to open with Cakewalk. I set this up in Windows. Cakewalk should open the midi file and TTS-1 and all the tracks ready to go. This will rule out any project specific issues. I have always opened midi files this way without issue. And as said the developers were Roland and the synth has nothing to do with the Bandlab team. It's an old piece of software and basically unsupported. Just open it with the synth rack if that works. It is a hard one to replace for it's ease of use with GM files.
  19. I'm following this as well. I also need to be able to jump to any song at anytime.
  20. I'll have to try the "new" playlist, I wasn't aware they had updated that feature, it seems very few people use it so that's cool they took the time to give it some attention. I would like to have the option of basic 4 track mixing as well as midi control of some lights and effects. In 1984 my Atari controlled all this no problem.
  21. I totally agree with having trustworthy bulletproof software for live performance. Your fear of changing to something untested by you personally is not unfounded. As it is there would be no real difference as far as the playlist goes between the 2 versions. Home Studio is all you really need in that regard so Artist is a cut above. Why not install and use CbB and use it for creating your tracks but stay with Artist for performance? I have stayed with a version of Win Amp that must be 20 years old for this reason.. I've yet to find a replacement. Most media players are all about looking stuff up on line so you can have song info etc. Win amp is the only player I have found that can stop when a song is finished,, manual playlist advance, nothing else has it. I toyed with the Sonar playlist idea but my gripe was it was slow between songs. I sometime like to start the next song immediately while the last chord is still ringing.
  22. Generally it is not recommended to install software to data drives. There's no real reason to do this. I have 240 GB SSD drives on all of my computers and none of them are much over 1/2 full because I use data drives. Even my Laptop which only has one 240 GB drive is around 2/3 full and it's got a heck of a lot of software running. I just store stuff to external drives and the cloud.
  23. If the song is soft in the beginning and louder at the end then I would not reach for any compression just yet. I would fix those tracks. Easy to fix this in Cakewalk using automation or dividing tracks into segments and normalize them to -6 db ( or whatever) so the track is the same average level from start to finish. This will take a while but if you have the time is first choice. The faster method is this is super easy to do in Wave Lab. I would use the analyzing tool to see what my overall RMS level is for the whole song. Then I would look at the waveform and scroll through the song looking for any spikes or peaks, fix them and also pay attention to the levels at the different points in the song. If what you say is the beginnings are lower level that's easy to rectify. highlight the first verse analyze it and fix it's level. Carry on in parts to the end of song. If your good at this it only takes a few minutes to even out the level of a song, You just have to use a light touch and not have dramatic changes.
  24. I agree, much easier to create a new lane. I do this a lot for adding mod wheel to organ to change Leslie speed.
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