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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. If you have One drive installed via your Microsoft account it can be told to save all "Alt/ prt scn" screen shots to it's " Pictures/Screenshots" folder. So they are automatically saved to the cloud and your hard drive too. So do you have Command Center installed? My self I would try deleting everything that says Cakewalk from the computer. Install and run Command center until everything is up to date. Open Splat and test a few things to make sure it's working normally. Now download and install the Bandlab assistant then install CbB
  2. I just did this a few days ago. Install the XNL installer https://www.xlnaudio.com/demos Log in with the e mail account you are registered with. Follow the prompts to install the products you want. Now open Cakewalk and run the plug in scanner. Done
  3. As I said you have to go through the process of elimination. You say the kick is clipping even when the track meters and all else show safe levels?? What happens if you try a different kick? I can think of hundreds of ways to try different things.
  4. In it's simplest format all you need to do is export a stereo wave/Mp3 file mixed without drums ( click track) in the left and then the with the drums ( click track) in the right track. This is called a "Split track" format that is pretty common. Then it's a simple matter of splitting the stereo signal which alas is not easily done internally within a laptop but very easily done through any external sound system. Complicated ways to do this would involve using an audio interface and sending the different mixes left/right.
  5. Your issue does not make sense to me. Hardware would not have any bearing on tempo. Glitches and pauses yes, but a tempo slowing down is normally only controlled by the software ( DAW) You re installing probably just cleared out the cobwebs.
  6. Also you need to activate it. It does not come free with Cakewalk anymore. You would need your licence from Splat version.
  7. Check the tempo map. It's one of the multi dock / view options.
  8. As I always advise the best way to trouble shoot is to swap out components and see what is causing the problem. You should really try a different Audio interface as yours might be defective. Borrow one from a friend or a music store. You can even order stuff on line and send it back. Issues like this can be a number of things. Even something as stupid as a bad USB cable. Swap stuff out until the problem goes away.
  9. I have never seen a "contact support " pop up in CbB, Only notification I've gotten was "demo mode" which you get if you leave your computer in a closet for 8 months like I did. That's why I was wondering if you somehow downloaded a fishy version. Your message does not seem normal.
  10. You need to trouble shoot the issue by the process of elimination. In other words you swap out components until the issue goes away. It might be a hardware issue like a loose wire. To test plug in a set of headphones. If the problem is gone then it's in your monitoring system. If it's still there then work backwards starting with your USB cables etc. If you end up back at the DAW then try a multiband limiter on the master. If you have it try the LP 64 and see if your low end is hitting it too hard.
  11. You friend had probably toggled a different mouse feature. look in the control bar , on my screen its to the right of the export module. Make sure the smart tool is selected, or you can select the move tool like in the past. Cakewalk is complicated and it's real easy to toggle a feature your un aware of that make things weird. Pay attention to your control bar settings.
  12. Did you download the assistant from here? https://www.bandlab.com/products/desktop/assistant You download and install the assistant. You log in using the Email account you signed up with and password. You go to the APPs tab and install Cakewalk. It works perfectly fine as I just did this a week ago on a new machine. It worked but I then found myself short on VST's so I installed Command Center and installed Splat and all my goodies. You should really do this first but so far it didn't cause any issues. I then patted myself on the back for remembering how to transfer my Splat Tungsten theme over to CbB. Then I populated it even more with my freebie collection of VST's. A cool trick I had to do as this is my 3rd machine and you are only allowed 2 installs of Addictive drums. I simply created a new XLN user and a different email address and grabbed the demos. That way projects that use AD don't freak out. The demo sucks as there is not much there but at least the project opens. I had to load up good old Session drummer to fill in the missing cymbals and COWBELL!
  13. Have you thought of bouncing the 100 clips to create one track?
  14. Use the UNDUPE CAL script. Works most times for me. PS did you make the double notes or did the midi file come that way? If you getting double notes it's often because your getting a loopback. Make sure to uncheck the enable midi output from the synth properties, Or simply disable all midi out in midi options.
  15. Always one of my favourite poly synths. My friend had the first one that had a weird multi pin midi cable and adaptor. He used it with his Atari. I use this VST anytime I need FAT strings. Its only 32 bit but seems stable still.
  16. For the money , On board graphic cards usually play better with DAW software. And having 2 or even 3 normal lager monitors works real well too. I tried the BIG screen TV thing and got a sore neck looking at it.
  17. I guess I never have this problem because I find myself doing what I've always done since 1984. Play the part until I screw up. Rewind to a pre rollin point, start and punch in at the appropriate place. This can be done in multiple ways. Most times I simply use one hand to hit the "R" key while the other starts playing the part. I can also use the automated punch in if I'm feeling techy, or my favorite these days is my USB footswitch which is programed to transmit "R" "W" and space bar. One track, one take. no muss no fuss. It will contain minor mistakes which are easy to edit. I really do prefer to try to play a part a well as I can as opposed to heavy editing. I find it real confusing to have 10 takes each with flaws.
  18. Thanks James for posting the link. My web page (see signature) has both the text based and the videos on creating backing tracks and using TTS-1 as a starting point. It's most certainly a great GM file player. But in the end I replace everything with other much better sounding VST's. This is also covered.
  19. I find that a lot of the free VSt's are very dated and a lot of them are only 32's which is something I try to avoid. You definitely get what you pay for most of he times. Drums are probably the most needed VST for 99% of the people making music and I've never found a free VST drummer that sounded much better than SI drums. And so far for me, only Ample Bass is marginally better than SI Bass. I'm spoiled because I have a lot of the stuff that came with Sonar over the years, So far my total investment in 3rd party stuff might be $100. I bought the Air complete package on sale for $29 and then a few other audio effects and things always when on super discounts. My favorite freebie is Mr Tramp, http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?plugin=Mr_Tramp&id=275 it really has that narly Wurly grunge. Another I use a lot is the Combo V organ. http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?plugin=Combo_Model_V&id=1004
  20. THis might be why I still avoid lanes and will use a midi track for each part. I get lost in te world of lanes. I then create a folder for these parts which more or less does the same thing lanes do as far as screen space goes.
  21. If a singer is out of time to a backing track then they are actually not real singers and I would send them home, or make them pay me double to make them sound right... This is not hard to do by simply splitting the vocal takes into little pieces that you drag to the correct place on the timeline. But it's a lot of extra work that a good singer would eliminate. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Tutorial6.5.html
  22. Personally I like it when the overheads are in a mono track. I have to treat them completely differently and a stereo track would not allow that to happen. Overheads pick up the kit as it sits and what you'll have is the hi hats on the right and the low toms on the left etc. These may need different EQ and compression settings. I simply hard pan them left and right but everything else is different including the level. Stereo tracks are for MP3 players. I might have a stereo track for a vintage outboard synth or a guitar processor but mono is the only way to really control a mix. Even when there is a stereo miking involved.
  23. SteveC has it figured, The OP has not set things up correctly here. You always select a mono input channel when recording with a mike. It will be obvious when you open the track input dialog. It should say Left Scarllet ASIO 1 ( or right= 2) Then as said Scarlett interfaces are hypersensitive to setting levels. I have a 6i6 and I really hate the way it distorts so easily. The pre amps are way to whimpy in my opinion. I use a Joe Meek pre amp to solve my issues. So set your levels low and just suck it up if you can't hear yourself. Best solution is to crank the monitoring up to max, You don;t mention which Scarlett you own but if it has mix control you can get your monitoring louder.
  24. I don't see that box in mine? So I guess it's automatic now?
  25. There probably is a 100's of tutorials on something a simple as this, Did you try google? I got 1,000,000 results but Gswitz more of less covered it in the 3 lines.
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