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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Very very very c h i l l e d, sweetly chilled, carefully played chilled, nice very nice
  2. @facets is this a private sale? There seem to be some question of the legitimacy of these samples can we have some more information with regards the legality of them? please?
  3. Wookiee

    Where to post ?

    I agree with t's recommendations.
  4. Thank you Freddy nice to know you enjoyed.
  5. Brave man putting your ears in the middle of this, good to know you enjoyed the experience, thank you.
  6. I had not, but I have now and subscribed thanks for the recommendation I also appreciate your time and kind words.
  7. Thanks nice to know you found a form of motion in a semi static piece.
  8. The code has been deleted as it was for subscribers to the magazine. This thread has run its course. Thank you.
  9. @bdickens by setting the voice count of the SQ80V to maximum number of notes I can play at one time. Then setting the sequencer of the synth to as played I hit record. I have a spread of an octave + 2 on my left paw, with a spread of an octave + 3 on my right paw. The Space-echo then pushes the repeats around the soundscape. By changing played notes the soundscape is achieved. Thanks for listening and your kind words.
  10. It's against forum policy to post any form of pirate software or links and codes that should only be available to magazine subscribers. Thanks @Starship Krupa
  11. Nice tune Tom, on the EZBass takes a little time but worth the effort i have found.
  12. Nice cool grooving from the three (four) of you, is it me but does it have a Steely vibe? Nice stuff chaps
  13. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    Cheers for the listen, nice to hear it helped chill you out.
  14. @ramscapri thanks it does ring a little.
  15. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    It would have been nice? My thanks for your time, ears and kind words.
  16. Sequentially Sequential just some fun with Arturia's new-ish SQ80 V and Audiothing's Space Echo https://www.bandlab.com/the_wookiee/sequentially-sequential-2ed4d60a?revId=3e4623a7-276e-ec11-94f6-a04a5e79a6b8
  17. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    Thanks Tom, nice to know you enjoyed the experience.
  18. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    I try, well Ms W says that I am very trying ? Thanks for taking the time to listen and commenting.
  19. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    @PhonoBrainer thank you Tom. If they told me I could only keep one Arturia synth it would have to be the CS-80V. It is a beast, I believe they have been very faithful in all but one area. You only need one person to move it ??. Glad you enjoyed the experience.
  20. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    You are most kind sir, I had noticed it makes me wonder how or who is getting the err you know backhander.
  21. All the best for this next orbit of Sol. May the muse find you, may the groove grab you, may the noise you make move you. Stay safe have fun.
  22. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    No loops were used or abused in this tune. I rarely use loops and if I do I make my own. Thank you for the time taken to listen and commenting it's appreciated.
  23. Wookiee

    A Dead Star

    Thanks, beeps and boops are integral synth elements, have a good evening.
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