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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee


    Without There would quite possibly be no Calisto ? Very nice @bjornpdx very nice I like the rhythmic percussion. The Guitar tone is sweet
  2. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Nice to know you enjoyed this one Nigel, thanks for the ears, time & kind words. Four is forming, but appears to be taking a strange direction.
  3. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    @iRelevant thanks for the ears & observations regarding the composition. Your input is appreciated. Tracks emerg out of the ether, in an almost organic way, then out of the end of the furry paws. I have very little control over the process.
  4. Geostationary Orbit over the Greenwich meridian.
  5. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    You are most kind sir, thank you for taking the time to listen and comment.
  6. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Hum Clockwork Orange Thanks for the listen and your comments all appreciated.
  7. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Know idea how you got jump to Lynn but thank you, you are most kind.
  8. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Steady ozone is not good for the health, thanks for the ears and comments.
  9. Wookiee

    This is PISCES

    Interesting interpretation of Pisces.
  10. That is a fun and energetic piece, the mix sounded very nice here on my Adam's sweet @mark skinner
  11. Pleasant enough, though the end felt somewhat abrupt.
  12. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Thanks @freddy j you are most kind.
  13. Nothing to add from what's been said, I did wonder if there might be a vocal.
  14. The kick sounds a little boxy and lifeless what are you using for it? Very much classic club material.
  15. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    You are most kind thank you sir.
  16. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Thank you I hope you enjoy 1 & 2 s well
  17. This is pleasantly relaxing as noted by Bjorn it is tricky. I had a friend who sold smelly candles at psychic fairs, lots of CD's on sale with very similar sounding music. It has been nicely captured though and would be cool to meditate or just chill out to.
  18. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 3

    Thank you sir you are most generous and kind.
  19. Has some potential, obviously in need of a lyric, I would add a Sub Bass to the kick, it will get lost on Earbuds and the like but on good speakers. Perhaps a little more ear candy as it is quite repetitive even with the breaks. It is probably worth pursuing though.
  20. I did not know Captain Beefheart was till making records. Classic Jesse from beginning to end.
  21. Do I detect a crossing of genres here, I do like this, it is good but one should always search some more I think.
  22. I liked this from the get go. As for the drums it is very subjective I can remember one visit to A&R and they complained the drummer (myself) was to busy, two weeks later same mix and the drummer was not doing enough, go figure. I like this Barry. cool song writing.
  23. Wookiee

    Smooth Hard Jazz

    Not sure I woudl call it hard Jazz smooth not hard though. Feels some what broken and intermittent.
  24. Wookiee


    Close the ear is close, some very nice tones, as noted the guitar is little forward.
  25. Almost smoky blues, I can imagine this coming from a group of peeps grooving along over a beer or three. The vocal is good but could come up a little in places, nice guitar tone, as noted a few Hamond stabs in there to fill the odd space could of add some interesting ear candy. The drummer does appear to doze off in places. Is it to long only for those with a short attention span. I like though keep em coming.
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