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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    TD 2

    Thanks, I tried to listen to your track earlier but the link just showed a blank Bandlab page.
  2. @Daemon Squid are you compressing the drums as well?
  3. Wookiee

    Over Wired

    @FreeEarCandy Content unavailable???
  4. @Daemon Squid Welcome to the forum, not bad you may want to look at the drums as well they suffer from classic MIDI machine gun syndrome. Not enough variation in velocity or spacing only needs a little of both to make them sound much more like the real thing. Good start mix sound reasonably balanced here, I look forward to your tweaks.
  5. As ever @bjornpdx you take the next step in musical composition, nicely done very clever stuff. I have heard/seen this singing form in a TV documentary on these people, it is an amazing sound, especially when two people sing face to face about 6" to 12" apart.
  6. Sounds like a reasonable electronic dance track.
  7. I saw them from the wings at our local theatre one day. The Bass player thought he was cool as he leant on his bass stack, which he forgot was on wheels, he ended up on his back. Not a bad cover @M Glenn Mitchell.
  8. Interesting, the mix sounds a little cloudy to these furry ears.
  9. Very pleasant tune, it might need a little increase in level though. Have you finalised or "mastered" it? Do you have a level plugin? Might I suggest Youlean if you do not, it free for the basic.
  10. Make a feature request for Bandlab to have a separate forum that sellers can get FREE advertising in, I am sure they would support that??
  11. Wookiee

    TD 2

    I just paste the link directly into the text.
  12. Wookiee

    TD 2

    Thank you Andy, the chords are never more than a simple one claw or two more, I just try to avoid the obvious.
  13. @The Eternal Optimist How many voices are playing? It sounds like everything is pilled on top in the centre. Normally one would spread something out a little but keep the lead in the middle Are you using loops?
  14. Wookiee

    TD 2

    Thank you sir, nice to hear you enjoyed the somewhat random nature of this Wookiee noodle.
  15. Politician the world over they speak with forked tongues, never answering the question asked only the question they want. Grinding it home the message here, mix seems quite reasonable here.
  16. I can only agree it would be good if people did and also looked up when they do have it with them. Cool stuff as ever @Jesse Screed
  17. Wookiee

    TD 2

    @DeeringAmps thanks t you are as ever to kind. Hi Michael it is Softube's Mini Moog or model 72 as they call it. Thanks for your kind words and ears.
  18. Wookiee

    Where to upload?

    It isn't a null. People copyright things for a reason. But to put it in as simple terms, if you posted links to unlicensed covers both you and Bandlab could be prosecuted. You for covering & Bandlab for promoting you. That is why posting unlicensed covers is breach of the forum usage, which you agreed to when you created your account here.
  19. Wookiee

    Where to upload?

    @Skeptik you will have the copyright problem on any streaming site and here as well. There is good reasons that people copyright stuff it's to protect their intellectual rights and their source of income. I have know idea if you have gainful employment but I have to ask how would you feel if you do have a job and the next time you go to that job you find someone else doing it for less than you were, along with the employer saying you are no longer needed?
  20. Wookiee

    TD 2

    Thanks, good to know you got through to the end. Your ears and time are appreciated.
  21. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Tom you are most kind
  22. Wookiee

    TD 2

    It has to be fun ? no point if there is no fun. Thank you Jesse you in your own special way are an inspiration. I find your expression in your music makes my furry ears wiggle with delight.
  23. Wookiee

    TD 2

    Obviously Thank @bjornpdx nice to know it engaged you for all 6+ minutes, thanks for your kind words and ongoing support.
  24. This is good stuff, though I suspect you still have not truly surrendered it. Well played and captured, nice open airy mix here on the Adam's .
  25. Wookiee


    Straight out of the 70's with that square/sawtooth wave opening growling underneath. Karma has away of finding it own way home. Nothing wrong with the cheezie synths.
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