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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Fall Apart

    This is quiet nice, the trumpet was an interesting introduction, slightly chaotic.
  2. @Cobus Prinsloo to the best of my knowledge all Focusrite USB connected interfaces only use the USB 2 protocol. My Clarett Pre 8 USB comes with a USB 2 to USB C cable which works fine.
  3. Probably not @Bapu, looks a little small
  4. @Cobus Prinsloo, thank you @Promidi for answering the question.
  5. @Cobus Prinsloo PITA that it is I found a reset and rescan fixes the problem for now.
  6. Personally I had nothing to do with removing the account Pwal23. Mods don't have the rights to remove or permanently suspended user's. Consequently I can't help you as to why your account appears to have been removed.
  7. Wookiee


    Pleasant little tune with a nice bounce. Nice touch with the birds and ambient sounds
  8. You can't but your post was blocked by the spam checker due to use of a forbidden phrase.
  9. @RexRed went and did some research, thought that might be more useful, rather than make ill-informed or pointless contributions. If Sonar is open and you double click on a project it will open in safe mode. If Sonar is closed it does not open in safe mode, it copies the personalization files. To open in safe mode open Sonar first, then use shift.
  10. You are trying this with Sonar already open? If you are trying to do this with Sonar closed then as @Canopus says you will get different results. You didn't state you were opening your projects with Sonar closed.
  11. I have just downloaded the latest version from the link in the main Cakewalk by Bandlab forum, and, oh look Safe Mode dialogue is on page 1744. Er that appears to imply it has not changed. It still says if you hold down shift and keep it held before double clicking open a project it will open the project in safe mode. I am aware a new version has not yet to be released for Cakewalk Sonar.
  12. I have no idea about Cubase, but I do suspect they have a much larger dev team than Cakewalk has. As much as it seems unpopular I also suspect it's here to stay.
  13. @RexRed that is what happens if you hold Ctrl key when opening Sonar. On page 1744, that may have changed, of the Reference guide I have downloaded details the use of Safe Mode.
  14. I have noticed with Toontrack plugins, if you don't grab their resize handle, meaning you grab the corner of the window rather than the three diagonal line bottom right corner, you will get a grey around the window. As I don't own Kontakt I have no experience.
  15. You can hold the shift key before double clicking to open in safe mode, provided Sonar is already open. Have you tried doing a scan of your disks, when files go missing it's the first thing I would do.
  16. @C218 two things, have you got the Cakewalk Product Centre installed? That is how it's done these days. It can be found at Cakewalk.com. Raising a ticket to get attention is not the way to do it either.
  17. Note I didn't say it worked, I said they tried a full port, big difference between a wrapper, Wine, and full port, but then you really know that, don't you?
  18. I believe it was a full port to MAC OS implementation, not in some Windows host on MAC.
  19. I know this is not an answer, but take a look at IK Multimedia ARC Studio, I am quite impressed with the subtle but useful difference it's made since my dog insisted I move my studio into the lounge. 😉
  20. What happens @The_Idiot_Drummer if you set the tempo in the new project before bringing the MIDI in?
  21. Close Mob Rules is the correct title.
  22. I don't know what you said, but it ain't Shiirwook. This is Shiirwook. ah waoowh'ao orwhoooh ohacraao rooohu craahwa rhhuao ahao raahwh'ao cacahahrcohooooor. Just remember all Wookiee should be approached with caution, we forget our own strength.
  23. A new directive from the management to the mods rules, was that any DAW related deals that are a direct competitive product, i.e. Cubase, Studio One, Performer, Reaper and the like, were no longer permitted. A couple that don't really function in the same way as Bandlab products are not seen as direct competition. Again it's in the sticky at the top of this forum, both are worth a read, yes I may have originated them but they are management approved.
  24. If you felt the need to make an audio or MIDI plugin the you called CClarry, there is no reason why it could not be given away free here, direct selling is not permited. There is a sticky at the top which give quite clear rules of what is and is not acceptable in the deals forum.
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