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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Green eyes, red lips, dark hair is she as dangerous as she looks? not my thing but as noted above it does sound OK here.
  2. Always worth a touch of EQ on the vocals, just to clear the way for the bottom end Bass and Kick. A lite slap-back delay on the vocal can be used to thicken it. Use reverb to create a space for all the "voices/instruments" to sit within. For that I tend to use a global reverb over the whole mix with the bottom end rolled off below around the 150hZ mark.
  3. Your video budget looks like it has gone up Bob . well another classic Bob, cool heavy grinding tones nice one.
  4. Sound reasonable here, mix wise perhaps a little to much reverb on the vocal, reverb can make sounds blurred. For levels and relative loudness you might want to checkout the Youlean loudness meter I find it very useful, there is both a free and a paid version, I purchased it after using it for about a month.
  5. As ever nice to hear you Bat's ??
  6. You do sound like you had fun, and the playing all sound accomplished. Mix wise, for what these furry ears are worth, the vocal needs a little more top end and a bass cut, roll off at about 150 hZ and perhaps a little bright reverb. The Bass needs to be brought back a tad, with perhaps a narrow cut of 2 or 3 db around the 80 hZ mark to let the kick be a little more prominent If you have any reverb on the Bass take it off reverb is not bass friendly. All in all you did a pretty good job.
  7. @thegaltieribrothers Thank you Paul.
  8. Sorry to hear about the chest hope it clears for you soon best to you.
  9. Quite a nice sound @Batsbrew I do wonder if the drums are a little too busy around the 2:20 mark, could just be me. Nice sound though and the mix sounds reasonable here, is this a first pass?
  10. Nice work chaps, very handy to have. thank you @Morten Saether and others.
  11. @kakku Thank you you are most kind. @Kenny Wilson thank you too Kenny you again are most kind, I am working on some more of this stuff I just have to see where the music takes me.
  12. @amiller well you never know it has already been suggested perhaps a morph to more familiar territory for me. Thanks for your ears and you comments,
  13. Good to hear you can get back to the guitar again Kenny, nice playing and tone, nicely captured too.
  14. Ken ? Ed ? James ?? Overall ??
  15. Which forums?, do not forget some peeps will say somethings just to appear cleaver or "knowledgeable". There is obviously compression on your track but that to some extent comes with the genre, but there is some dynamic range, overly compressed music has no dynamic range. Does that help?
  16. @emeraldsoul Thanks Tom
  17. Wookiee

    River Ride

    I am hearing some of Floyd's(Gilmour's) Endless River in the opening bars, another nicely captured and thoughtful piece, nice (Furry Ears smiled), thanks for sharing.
  18. Wookiee

    Satan Blues

    Nice to hear a practice session for you Gary, sound good so far.
  19. @mebitek your link above seems to looping back to this forum??? I chased you down on Soundcloud though. Mix comes across quite well here on the Adam's thanks for sharing.
  20. Wookiee

    Lift Me Up

    The furry ears smiled at this Nice ?
  21. As I said once (or possibly twice) before ?
  22. You read the furry mind @daryl1968 thanks for the positive view.
  23. @Lynn thank you, it is an interesting piece of software they are stock samples that come with Notion, there are expansions and you can use other VSTi's and FX within it. Still getting to grips with using it. @Chernobyl|Studios thank you, as much as anything it was what I was hearing between the furry ears as I played with the software. @bjornpdx thanks for listening and the kind words
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