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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee


    @James G Thank you James.
  2. Wookiee


    @emeraldsoul thanks Tom, you know how it is you start with an idea and you have to let it work itself out to a natural end.
  3. @kitekrazy You still can, if you go to C:\Users\{YOUR USER NAME}\AppData\Roaming\bandlab-assistant\Downloads and copy it an archive location before the install completes, would probably be wise to renames it with the version as the installer does not have a specific version in the name.
  4. @Simeon Amburgey I do believe there were some issues with embedding CD Text that I am not aware of having been resolved in CD Architect this may have been resolved in 12. They have just release Soundforge Studio 13 so Studio Pro 13 is probably not long off release.
  5. Wookiee


    Thanks @daryl1968 that much reverb? ? ?
  6. @Skeptik Gibson had serious debt issues following some strange purchases, Philips Entertainment? They then did something they have done before, was it Giga-sampler? They also filed a section 11 quite soon after they decided to drop support and development of SONAR if I remember correctly. Technically Cakewalk did not fail at all Gibson just pulled the plug. Luckily a very smart, forward looking person, @Meng and Bandlab, his company, purchased the intellectual copyright to the software products and after 26 years of using Cakewalk software products I am very thankful to the foresight and his faith in the product. If you really are concerned add some pennies to the Tip Jar! on the Cakewalk Bandlab Page.
  7. Wookiee


    @kloon Thanks, yes a little experimental.
  8. @Simeon Amburgey I was not sure if this was the case I have yet to try it out Simeon I will check it out with one of my old CD projects, thanks for raising this.
  9. Still using Soundforge/Sony's CD Architect 5.2d here looks like Magix, who now own Soundforge, have dropped CD Architect. However I believe that you can cut CD's from Soundforge Pro 12.
  10. As was explained many months ago in the old forums Bandlab did not purchase Cakewalk Inc. only the intellectual property rights to the software products, so there was no debt, that is still Gibson's problem TTBOMFK ?
  11. Wookiee


    @SPAK Thanks Steve, well you could be right having suffered, to put it politely, from a problem with my GI tract, for over 18 days it is not surprising this fell out of the furry paws.
  12. Wookiee


    Something that grew as it fell out of the furry paws Metamorphosis.
  13. This thread has suffered the problems of long threads and now violated the forums rules on Political comment consequently it is locked.
  14. Thanks Variorum they both look interesting I will give them a try.
  15. Have you accidentally selected a section of the track that is empty? Just tried a little test on my current project that is using SD3 froze without issue.
  16. Wookiee

    "The Arrival"

    Nice chilled piece, I quite enjoyed it.
  17. Wookiee


    This made me smile from the start Tom, nice eclectic selection of instrumentation and the mix has been "slung" together quite well.
  18. Sounds like something that might have come from a Modular synth, I do agree with James takes a little to long to develop for a more conventional music audience, perhaps some earlier ear candy. Thanks for sharing I enjoyed it all.
  19. Wookiee


    Bjorn wanders into Space territory with an excellent tune, nicely done sir. You could have probably tamed that CS-80 V voice using the Low pass filter, as the CS-80 has both a HP and LP on each voice.
  20. All I can say is I reach for the output to turn it up ??
  21. Missed the first mix, this is crying out for a vocal and considering you recording environment you did a cool job on the mix, thanks for sharing.
  22. I like James, sounds nice here. ?
  23. A very pleasant listen David, the furry ears are smiling. ?
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