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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Add my vote to the leave it alone camp @batsbrew. The only thing I will add is this ??
  2. Wookiee

    A Blue Note Day

    Nice groove to draw one in, vocal well presented, overall mix come across well here, thanks for sharing.
  3. Hi Michael sometimes presenting a lot of tracks to be reviewed in one go can put peeps off, your choice but I would suggest offering one at a time. I listen to the first and the last tracks on Soundcloud. With the vocals, it should be noted I am not a vocalist as Wookiee singing is extremely dangerous to none Wookiee life forms, not so much for me up as more a little vocal riding to match the supporting music. The drums do sound a little mechanical this can be sorted by moving some of the beats a few ticks backward or forwards of the beat. Perhaps invest in either a quality drum sampler like BFD or SD 3 or look at MIDI drum libraries. WIll keep the furry ear out for more of your stuff thanks for sharing.
  4. Classic bit of Bob , mix is pretty much on the nail Bob, though it is very very very hot.
  5. Before this goes where it normally goes and peeps start saying things that may inadvertently cause offence then it is time to lock this one down.
  6. Likewise not seeing any ad's on my desktop, those seeing ad's are you using Tablets or may be a phone?
  7. I would check your Event viewer for around the time of the error John it may have just been a clash of processes occurring.
  8. Shame, off stage he was a completely different guy.
  9. This has been addressed now Andy there has been some issues with DNS at the cakewalk end of things. There is a comment from Noel in the main forum upstairs.
  10. Sounds better, obviously in need of your voice ?
  11. Nice playing, nicely captured, though like many even the Shyriiwook translator could not handle the lyric translation
  12. Nice mix but the song does little for me not quite up to your normal standard sorry chaps.
  13. The groove on this made me smile from the get go Gary, nice tones, mix sounds reasonably balanced here.
  14. Just a tad repetitive in places but then some peeps like that sort of thing, thanks for sharing.
  15. Nothing I can add that has not already been said, thanks for sharing.
  16. Sounds like a good place to start Bat's, mental drums are cool, guitar tone is as expected which is again cool, looking forward to the final version.
  17. I use the the Pro Channel modules almost exclusively, only third party one I use regularly is Boz Digitals +10dB Compressor. All happy here.
  18. Good to hear things are on the mend for you Colin.
  19. Wookiee


    My furry ears smiled in the opening bars, it does sound very personal, nice job even though I am only listening on my DT 100 cans, good balance in the mix. ?
  20. Wookiee


    Thank you Paul, glad you enjoyed my musical rambling.
  21. Yes, I make my own which makes them very flexible.
  22. The Shyriiwook converter made no sense of the lyrics, but the music had a cool bounce and vibe and the mix sound good here.
  23. Wookiee


    I think I prefer Cello 2 @soundregion.
  24. Nice I enjoyed your tribute John, well done.
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