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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee


    I like the overall vibe of this @soundregion. There is a limit of six minuets on song length with Bandlab if your tune was longer that may have been why you had an issue.
  2. @Bapu listened to both Ed and the SC sounds clearer and more defined than the BL version which I suspect got a touch of their mastering which I have yet to try which probably translates to never.
  3. @Beagle sorry I did not get back sooner Reece been busy here, just had Solar electricity generating panels installed here which has had a general impact on everything musical. Listening to the remix now and this sounds better, in the previous mix the drums did not seem to work they felt to my furry ears like they were plodding rather than complementing the mix, this does sound better, perhaps my furry ears are just feeling a little less stressed.
  4. Wookiee

    I'm Retired

    Hilarious Bjorn loved it. ? ?
  5. Wookiee


    Hi Bob, Thank you for popping by and giving my noodling a listen, one has to try and do something different I know you experiment. You stay safe and have a great weekend as well.
  6. Wookiee


    Thank you @Beagle it is a tune about change, how sometimes to start a change can take awhile but then it accelerates, though the tempo is constant through out this. Thanks for you ears and comments Reece, as always they are appreciated and welcome, they help in growing the music.
  7. Wookiee


    Thank you @Starise it was quite good fun Tim, yes there is a reoccurring theme, I only used what I had which was Rapture Pro and Korg's M1 for the orchestral sounds.
  8. Wookiee


    Thank you @Lynn you are most kind.
  9. I found this a little slow and it felt like it dragged for me, perhaps it is the programmed drums, vocal was up to your normal standard Reece, though the bass is a little loud in places, thanks for sharing.
  10. And to you, may this year of the Pig be lucky for you @Kamikaze ?
  11. Wookiee


    Thank you @Douglas Kirby glad you enjoyed the ride.
  12. I like this, yes it could do with a few tweaks on the vocal, some harmonies would be nice, love the sound of that acoustic.
  13. 80+ Tracks, I think I have a lot if I have 8 tracks. Mix comes across well here, thanks for sharing.
  14. Could this be described as thrash Pop?, interesting stuff, production sound good here.
  15. It is interesting that you received this reply @Lynn Wilson because I got an email that said they had managed to reproduce it.
  16. So sorry to hear of your loss @Johnbee58 I know how you feel, we lost our treasure to un-diagnosed cancer last October. Ginger will remain in your heart and close to you however you remember her Avatar or other ways.
  17. Wookiee


    Thank you @LadyFuzztail.
  18. Not a lot in it Bat, though as noted the funk kits snare seems to have more depth.
  19. @Stone Strom was the Console opening in the Multidock and you accidentally closed the multidock. It is just a thought as the default when selecting the console view is to open it in the multidock. If your custom to switch views does not actually open the multidock first that might be what happened.
  20. Wookiee

    Song in E Major

    Only listening on my DT 100 cans but the mix is very clear on them, thanks for sharing.
  21. Wookiee


    Thank you @freddy j thanks for making it to the end as well.
  22. Wookiee


    @bjornpdx It is an interesting synth not had much of a play but it has some interesting sounds, thank for the listen and comment. Thanks David, I try to experiment with sounds and harmony sometimes I am lucky, again thanks for the listen and comment.
  23. There may be some file differences between CbB and S-Plat @Stone Strom which may be an issue. Have you tried using Lenses to get your layouts how you want them? Lenses are able to be used across Projects unlike screensets. There does seem to be an issue with the Multidock staying fully expanded between sessions. Personally I use the default keyboard shortcuts of D (Open Multidock) and Ctrl+D (Fully Open Multidock) Though once I have used the Ctrl+D once in a session D seems to open and close it as required.
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