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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. From the furry paws of The Wookiee a track partly inspired by Larry Elmore's (RIP) drawing titled Eyes of Autumn Thanks for listening.
  2. Good to know you have found a workable though irritating solution. I would try the WASAPI driver as on an old 2600K PC I have it gives me good latency with the MoBo's Realtek sound card. WASAPI has two modes Exclusive and shared as noted by @msmcleod you could try both. If you use Exclusive you could also check the option in Preferences > Audio > Playback and Recording > Suspend Audio engine when Cakewalk is Is Not In Focus.
  3. Freebies are always welcome, nice article well done.
  4. @GuyWithAFuzzPedal, One way around this is to save the patch as new patch, irritating but a possible solution at least if it resets you can recall your saved preset. Any reason for using ASIO4all, what sound card are you using?
  5. My furry ears must be tired as I thought the vocal could do with coming up in places, I see though you are looking at re-balancing the vocal so I will say nothing about the vocal. (Oh I already have oops). I liked as well.
  6. @thegaltieribrothers Thanks Paul, probably not a good idea to drift off to this you may not make it back to where you would like to be.
  7. My thanks @Jesse Screed I am really pleased you enjoyed this and can I please have some of whatever you are er smoking I can see those words being used as lyrics.
  8. @amiller Sorry for the late reply I have been distract by some alternate toys, thanks for the listen and comment ?.
  9. @Alcar28 Have you tried opening in Safe Mode, hold down Shift and then open CbB, just do not load anything and see what happens.
  10. Only way to do it Bat, with so many drum pieces to choose from who would not want to design their own kit(s).
  11. One of your better works I think with this, I like, nice relaxing feel to this. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Wookiee


    Nice rocking tune, thanks for sharing, the hum is a little distracting.
  13. @Alcar28 Does SONAR 8.5 work? Are using the Roland Octa-Capture as well?
  14. @C-Factor Cakewalk (CbB) does have a multi-band compressor it may well be a DXi but Sonitus Mutli-band compressor is included and quite an effective tool when used sensibly.
  15. This has a very heartfelt feel to the vocal Paul, as Lynn said your production skills have come on in leaps and bounds, good stuff thanks for sharing.
  16. Wookiee


    As I listen to this I though Bjorn has been playing with his Vangelis tribute pack, this is nice Bjorn very chilled, sweetly relaxing (more please). If I was to make one minor change perhaps a nice deep bass now and then just to balance that sparkly shimmering top end. Nice job all round on this Bjorn loved it.
  17. By modern standard there may be touch to much reverb on the vocal, but do I care no I do not. Up to your usual blues groove, nice tones all round, what is not to like.
  18. You been playing with some your new toys, SD 3 on drums?. I like it, nice groove, really enjoyed the opening, wonderful tone on the guitar as always.
  19. Wookiee

    1 Bit

    Nice tune John I quite enjoyed it, well produced.
  20. @Michael McBroom your are no dinosaur, I like to use the staff view as well. It was one of the things that really attracted me to Cakewalk back in 1993 when I first got Cakewalk Apprentice. For me the staff view makes musical sense the PRV useful from drums and percussion and a few tricks but it just does not look like music to me. I can understand the music in staff view and hear it when I read it. Whilst 128th notes might be of use I can definitely say that 64th notes would be useful. It would also be useful to be able ti import MXML we can export why not import?
  21. @bjornpdx They run wild around here, glad you enjoyed the story. @daryl1968 Thank you that was the intent, I mean listening on headphones late at night preferably a dark and stormy one.
  22. Nicely done John, up to your normal standard, thanks for sharing.
  23. Wookiee

    New Prod! #1

    Interesting playing which I quite enjoyed, though I am not convinced the drum groove really works, could just be my furry ears.
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