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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Nicely done chaps, mix come across well here.
  2. The Ping pong bass, from the Arturia Modular has quite a dirty growl sometimes in places which what you might be hearing, the O5R/W Death Stars does not help much either, thank you for lending me your ears and time David.
  3. @Johnbee58 Thank you, nice to hear it relaxed you and chilled you out a little. Be safe.
  4. Wookiee

    Dance Tryout

    Should work as a dance number.
  5. Nice opening, nice easy jazzy groove mix sounds nice here on the Adam's, cool grooving/noodling.
  6. Good to hear from you @Makke nice surf sounds, I agree with Tom some variation in the bass and drums would have added a little more sparkle to it but it is good as it.
  7. @Hidden Symmetry True it is and it looks to be getting longer ? part 3 is developing within the confines of my furry skull, though I suspect it will be a separate piece as such. Thank you for your time, your ears, your patience and kind words.
  8. @Makke Hi nice to see you here, many thanks for the listen and comment.
  9. @steve@baselines.com Not bad they were a tough act to follow you did a good job on this.
  10. @Hidden Symmetry Nice tones on the guitar, nice smooth easy jazz groove. Very nice playing, the mix translates well here on the Adam's. Furry paw tapping stuff.
  11. OK peeps lets keep politics out of the forums and lets keep it civilised please, if not the thread will be shut down.
  12. @DeeringAmps Tom of Deering Amps has kindly offered to host this it can now be found here The Cosmic Brain Parts 1 & 2 My thanks to Tom and all of you for listening.
  13. @DeeringAmps Nothing rough about this, Raw yes not rough and I like. As to the US poly ticks I feel sorry for you all. My furry paws are crossed that your peeps can see they need to elect a proper diplomat rather than the bully you have in at the moment. (Oops did I say that last sentence out loud bad Wookiee)
  14. Probably work well in a club, mix works reasonable well.
  15. You are too kind Tom. The first hardware synth I obtained along with my 61 key Roland MIDI controller was Korg's O5R/W the initial Patch on turn on was called Death Stars. I just knew that one day I might well be able to use it when I got my head round all the other things to do with making music in a Sequencer as Cakewalk was back then. Some 26 years later that something fell out of the furry paws. @DeeringAmps Many thanks for your time, your ears, your kind words and your generous offer.
  16. Haunting, abstract and inventive. Apart for some distortion in the first few bars which I suspect were more Internet than production it sounds OK here David.
  17. @AndyB01 A special thanks to you for listening then, I completely understand how some just do get the whole synth thing. I am tending towards the second part too, but I had to create the first to get to the second if you understand. As to the wall of sound somewhere tickling the back of the furry skull I can almost hear a part 3 so you never know. Thanks again your time, ears and your kind words.
  18. Hi @Dave Oliffe welcome to the forum, mix works well here on the Adam's.
  19. @David Sprouse Requires some permission changes to see David.
  20. @Douglas Kirby Thank you Sir, glad you enjoyed the ride, and for taking the time to download listen and comment.
  21. @Lynn One day many many eons ago I stumbled across one of ARP's really early synths at the college I was attending we could get nothing out of it, no patch leads, but it sparked something in the little single cell that rattles around inside my furry skull. Been playing with synthesis ever since. I even built a guitar synth which never ever really worked but was fun to use. Discovering Cakewalk in 1992 and adding a Korg 05R/W a few months later opened up a world of sound to me. Then Arturia introduced the Moog Modular V which I loved but was virtually unusable on a single core pentium PC. It has been downhill since then. Again thanks for taking the time to download, listen and comment.
  22. @freddy j My thanks for taking the time to download and having a listen to the end. Again thanks for the kind words regarding voice selection, most are presets that are tweaked, in some cases heavily. With Arturia V 7 Collection Synths alone, I have access to some 10,825 presets but like all presets they worked fine in their original context but need tweaking for use in a different context. Some tweaks completely change a voice, some mangal them beyond recognition. Though for this there are a number of original patches, the Voltage Modular is providing two of the SFX and is an original patch. All of the ARP Odyssey patches are original of which there are 6 instances all slightly different in tone and pattern. Thanks again.
  23. This will only be available for another week as it is consuming a large chunk of my Google drive. Thanks to those who have downloaded and commented.
  24. @Lynn Only heard the second mix, for me I would like to hear the vox up a tad more just to lift it out. The bass sounds fine here. Just as a matter of interest for us other country peeps what month is the 16 month ?
  25. Wookiee


    Like Gary the Vocal FX is either a phase or Chorus, nice easy on the ears groove, but there is something adrift with the tuning on one of the voices (EP?). I did quite enjoy this.
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